By Their Fruits You Will Know Them!

by IslandWoman 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • bjc2read

    Direct quote from "In Search of Freedom" [RV Franz] pages 354, the comments of 90+ years old Percy Harding, just before they disfellowshiped him. The conversation went something like this,

    "...Then they started asking questions, the most important being, "Do you believe that the [WT] Society is God's organization and that it is bringing forth truth?" So I said, "There is nothing in God's Word to indicate that God ever used an organization to bring forth truth. From Moses, down through all the prophets to John and the Revelation, IT WAS ALWAYS AN INDIVIDUAL."

    He was right.

    But, who will it prove to be?

    Answer: The "Chieftain" of Ezekiel 44:1-3.

    Nothing happens before then.


    Edited by - bjc2read on 7 December 2002 9:59:31

  • imanaliento

    right on IslandWoman,

    right on Gopher,

    you can't have love in you if you have to shun someone. how un christlike is that.

  • sunscapes

    I have a new placard...

    Religion is STILL a snare and a racket!

  • JofSalem

    Hi Island Woman:


    There can be no question but we can see all organized religion is quite worthless in God's eyes. The JWs being the latest casualty, with the UN/NGO debacle.

    A close reading of Ezekiel 16:59-63 shows "Jerusalem" as a worthless prostitute woman in God's sight. One that must be "atoned for" before, she can receive finally God's "indefinitely lasting covenant" promised to her. She receives this "indefinitely lasting covenant", totally unworthily, or as the verse says, "NOT owing to her keeping the covenant" in faithfulness, but only due to God's Mercy and Grace. (See Ezekiel 16:61)

    This scenario fits Jehovah's Witnesses as a nation and people, quite well, I think.

    Which means, when all of the above occurs, a great Paradigm Shift in all religious thinking shall take place, by God's Hand. Jehovah will indeed, "rock the nations", yes "rock the heavens" to their senses by providing another "covenant" to reconcile "Israel" to himself. An idea only God could think up. (Haggai 2:6, 7; Jer. 50:4,5; Ezekiel 20:35-38)

    So your personal take on the present day religious scene, the religion situation facing all seekers of truth, is quite accurate. It is pathetic!

    We must be rescued by God, the Almighty Himself. We must be "saved" from ourselves, and all of the "religions" and religious concepts of our time. A Great Paradigm Shift in religious thinking can bring this about. But this unique phenomena is something only God can do for us.


    Fortunately, He has promised to do this very thing.



  • jgnat

    Sure, we can judge the organizations as a whole, and be able to find fault with any of them. But what of individual believers, who are doing good every day? They do exist; within every religion and without. I can come up with a list pretty fast, but I think you can come up with your own of family and neigbours and friends that are good, decent people, helping and comforting those around them. I think that is why in the end, we will be individually judged by our fruits.

  • sunscapes

    god i hate that word paradigm it reminds me of all those hyped up anthony-robbins-awaken-the-giant-amway-multilevel-marketing-pentecostal-revivals that use fancy terms to descibe a

    theres my pair-a-dime (20 cents) worth

  • sunscapes

    and jgnat great post very org means nothing between individuals and Christ...

  • Blueblades

    No human organization will ever satify the longings of the human heart.Those longings can only be satisfied by each and every one of us.Blueblades

  • teejay

    Same here, IW.

    I was thinking....

    Religion Is A Snare And A Rackett.

    Whaddaya think? Think that slogan would fly.

    p.s. I thought of that myself. I'm so proud of myself I caint hardly stand it!!! My best work.

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