Why People Believe Weird Things....

by Focus 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • Focus

    Via a relay, I've been asked by a poster who wishes not to be named (fearing physical attacks by neo-Nazis, his/her real life identity being no secret) to refute another disgusting lie:

    [At Auschwitz-Birkenau] "Millions of pounds of bone and ash will be disposed of but we won't be able find any traces of the bones or the ash"

    "In 1965, Hydrokop, a chemical mining enterprise based in Krakow, was commissioned by the Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum to carry out geological tests at Birkenau aimed at determining the locations of incineration pits and pyres. Specialists of Hydrokop bored 303 holes up to 3 m deep. Traces of human ashes, bones, and hair turned up in 42 sites. Documentation of all the holes and the diagrams of their distribution are preserved in the Conservation Department of the Museum."
    - Dr. Franciszek Piper: "Anatomy of the Auschwitz Death Camp", page 179

    The sites where Hydrokop sunk these small-bore sample 10 feet holes were distributed pretty randomly over the hundreds of acres of the huge Birkenau death camp area. That as many as 14% of them (42 out of 303) showed human bones, hair and ash conclusively demonstrates how widespread were the areas in which the Nazi murderers disposed of their bodies.

    Dr. Franciszek Piper is a renowned Polish historian of world renown and absolute objectivity. He is so famous that he is cited as an authority even by the deniers (of course, blatantly misrepresenting him).

    The Hydrokop survey results are available for researchers to examine at the Oswiecim Museum. The deniers and liars do not do this. For obvious reasons. They just try and pretend it does not exist.

    THEREFORE, THE STATEMENT IN 2002 THAT "we won't be able find any traces of the bones or the ash" IS PROVEN TO BE AN ENORMOUS AND OUTRAGEOUS LIE.

    I could present reams more proof of this (but then the weak-minded tj/db class can't manage it). But the LIE has been exposed already, pinned down and hammered and demolished into non-existence.

    I hereby waive copyright to the above. Use it as you wish. When you wish. How you wish. WHERE you wish.

    Holocaust Denier Loudmouth caught out in a direct LIE.


    So why do people get caught by this sort of outrageous technique? Let us examine the boastful words of the MASTER LIAR, the filthy scum Hitler himself, on the subject of HOW BEST TO LIE - DO IT BIG

    "in the primitive simplicity of their minds they are more readily fall victims to the big lie than the small lie, since they themselves often tell small lies in little matters but would be ashamed to resort to large-scale falsehoods. It would never come into their heads to fabricate colossal untruths, and they would not believe that others could have the impudence to distort truth so infamously. Even though the facts which prove this to be so may be brought clearly to their minds, they still doubt and waver and will continue to think that there may be some other explanation. For the grossly impudent lie always leaves traces behind it, even after it has been nailed down, a fact which is known to all expert liars in this world and to all who conspire together in the art of lying. These people know only too well how to use falsehood for the basest purposes." - from Mein Kampf, written by Hitler in the mid 1920s.

    "in the primitive simplicity of their minds" - now guess who we could apply such a description to? Hitler was accurately predicting who his followers or admirers would be, back then 77 years ago!

    documents and architect's plans for the conversion of existing structures to gas chambers for killing humans (not lice!)
    preserved gas chambers (note: one was reconstructed too)
    ruins of gas chambers
    entries in camp ledgers about gas chambers
    cyanide traces on walls of gas chambers
    maps of concentration camps showing gas chambers
    the Krakow forensic report on the Auschwitz gas chambers
    aerial photographs of concentration camps showing gas chambers
    depositions of camp personnel
    depositions of camp inmates
    depositions of Nazi leaders
    photographs of gas chambers taken by allied soldiers on liberation of camps
    photographs taken in secret by German soldiers of gassing before/after correspondence on the effectiveness of Zyklon B as a lethal agent for humans
    entries in personal diaries of Nazi leaders
    prisoner transport train schedules
    prisoner transport train departure and arrival reports
    eyewitness reports
    reports of gassing experiments with diesel exhaust and mobile vans
    tons of Zyklon B in the vicinity of gas chambers
    tons of human ashes in the vicinity of gas chambers
    tons of human hair in the vicinity of gas chambers
    Dr. Charles Larson's statements about the gassing of prisoners at Dachau
    piles of eyeglasses, shoes, clothing etc. in the vicinity of gas chambers
    the existence of universally recognized euphemistic code words such as 'Sonderbehandlung' for talking about gassing
    records of clothing shipped to Germany
    anatomical specimens of gassed human beings at Strasbourg Univ.
    reports of escapees and partisans
    intercepted and decoded German communications
    millions of Jews vanished from the face of the earth
    millons of people whose Jewish neighbors, relatives and friends were never heard from again after being taken to concentration camops by the Germans
    thousands of WW II-era dormant accounts in Swiss banks
    the continuing stream of research conducted by responsible historians out of respect for Holocaust victims as well as for historical truth. This includes even such 'revisionist scholars' as David Irving who has been now forced to admit in the light of unambiguous evidence that mass gassings of Jews and others by the Nazis did take place.
    The seriously flawed and discredited Leuchter report endlessly flaunted by Deniers, written by a person lacking in any relevant qualifications but which does indicate that cyanide was used in the premises tested!
    [and HUNDREDS of different TYPES of items more besides]

    The ranting of fanatics, using articles containing dozens of outrageous LIES and cunningly written weasel-wording deceptive "arguments", who themselves have scant knowledge of the relevant literature, evidence, science, the German language, logic, European history but who still scream hysterically "it never happened".

    Shame on them.

    I repeat, I am able to REFUTE each and every SINGLE ONE of the Holocaust Deniers' claims. And I can ""prove"", using sounder """logic""" and a higher level of truth than that which they have employed in their malignant campaign to defame the dead and abuse the living:
    (a) that the Watchtower IS God's Sole Representative on Earth; and
    (b) that the 9/11 attack on the World Trade Center NEVER occurred.

    (Hates Liars Class)

    Some more helpful information, disposing of a whole pack of neo-Nazi lies, may be found in just one post of my friend at:

  • Focus

    I have been sent, in order for me to refute, some more learned material.

    Holocaust Denier trying to show that the crematoria/ovens at one of the death camps could not possibly have coped with the number/volume of bodies

    >The gassing and burning supposedly happened between 1942 and 1944.
    >I believe the accepted number at Aushwitz is around 2 million gassed and burned.

    The first one by the Holocaust Denier. The figure, consistent with the "five to six million Jews murdered in total", is about 1.1 million Jews murdered in Auschwitz-Birkenau, plus a small number of non-Jews. My earlier posts in this very thread contain the data and sources.

    As not all the mass-murder occurred in the period specified, we are probably safe to use as the aggregate figure (Jews and others) of 1.1 million for this period within 1942-4. Certainly nowhere near 2 million.

    Note that the Denier can't even spell "Auschwitz".

    >That means 1 million per year.

    It suits the Denier, who is trying to prove the ovens could not have done the work, to use "2 years" as the period, to maximize the daily disposal rate and therefore provide a strawman to knock down - just in the same way and for the same purpose that he used "2 million" instead of 1.1 million.

    Let us check the facts.

    Auschwitz was an internment camp for Polish political prisoners until June 1941 when Himmler ordered its conversion to a death camp. The official order involving the "Endlosung" (Final Solution) i.e. to start the Holocaust was dated 31 July 1941; Goering signed it and Reinhard Heydrich acknowledged receiving it. The Wannsee Conference, which set rules and administrative procedures for the Holocaust-to-be, met in January 1942. This camp's conversion took over half a year. So, the systematic genocide in Auschwitz ran from Spring 1942 to November 1944, when Himmler ordered the overt killing to stop - the military defeat of Germany was apparent to him, and he wanted time to clear up the evidence and cover his tracks so monkeys later on could argue that the Holocaust genocide never happened, that documents proven genuine in court in 1945-6 could be discounted as being too old and susceptible to forgery in 2002, and all manner of other idiocy.

    I digress. Spring 1942 to November 1944 is a period of 31 or 32 months, not 24 months = 2 years. The second one by the Holocaust Denier.

    So the actual total executed ran at lower than 1.1 million per 31 months i.e. 425,000 per year. {b]Not "1 million per year".

    >500,000 in six months. 250,000 in three months. 125,000 in a 45 days.

    No. No. No.

    >That means 2777 were gassed and burned per day at Aushwitz.

    No, that means that on average fewer than 1,170 (and NOT 2777) were gassed and burned per day at Auschwitz-Birkenau during the said period. The Holocaust Denier needs remedial math.

    And his wording indicates he doesnt understand what an "average" is. On some days, more were killed and or incinerated. On some days, fewer. No one claimed a steady rate. The rate was largely determined by when the trainloads-full of victimslice arrived, right?

    > (Someone here really believes that?)

    No. The "that" is a strawman figure the Holocaust Denier has created himself.

    And not all the victims were gassed and not all the bodies were burned in crematoria, either. As the official HydroKorp peephole study referred to in my post above shows, many were also disposed of in pits/ditches where they were burned, and the bone fragments, ash and hair found 10 feet down in many areas within the camp.

    If we are talking about Krematoria victims, the total is therefore down in this short period to 900,000 (the burning pits/ditches took care of the remainder - about 200,000 corpses and operated in parallel to the ovens at peak times when the trains were coming in too fast; e.g. when the Hungarian Jews were being slaughtered). This corresponds to an average of 950 corpses per day disposed of within the ovens (as distinct from the pits/ditches), computed as above.

    950 per day was well within the capacity of the four giant Krematoria at Auschwitz, as I will prove below using evidence shown and accepted as genuine in international courts of law:

    This is an official report from qualified engineer S.S. Sturmbannfuehrer Jahrling to S.S. Generalmajor Kammler (who was also a qualified engineer), stating that the combined crematoriums in Auschwitz-Birkenau can cremate 4,756 corpses per day running at their rated capacity. That is not the absolute fastest rate either, but the RATED capacity if run at 24 hours per day but making allowance for occasional maintenance and breakdowns. We all know RATED capacity contains a safety margin. Running them at breakneck pace, and allowing for the fact that most of the corpses would be of starving, skin-and-bones people who did not take up much space and could be crammed together, would suggest that the real capacity at near-breakdown rates would be twice this i.e. over 9,500 corpses per day. BUT I WILL USE THE LOWER FIGURE NONETHELESS

    So the claim that the ovens "could not have" done the job has been shown to be Number Three from the Denier. On the contrary, the Krematoria certainly could have disposed of **FIVE TIMES** as many (ratio of 4,756 to under 950) corpses running just at their OFFICIAL RATED CAPACITY. Can the Holocaust Denier count?

    Another matter - why build four huge crematoriums in Birkenau with such enormous disposal capabilities unless mass-murder was in mind? Perhaps the Holocaust Deniers believe in Giant Lice....

    I have here demonstrated the trustworthiness of the argumentation employed by some, er, "learned historians and scientists". What next? Do they want us to believe that the Nazi murderers were carefully following modern-day, hygienic crematorium clinical and legal procedures relating to segregation of ash and bone fragments from different corpses, scrupulously cleaning out the oven after each burning? Or that the endless supply of oven-stoking sonderkommando (themselves prisoners who would be killed and burned as soon as their enthusiasm for or efficiency at their work flagged) enjoyed long breaks, went on holidays, took part in strikes, etc.?

    I hope I am not the only one with a very, very bad taste in my mouth from even thinking about it. Gassing - itself a fiendish death by torture - of innocent children, women and men, shrieking to their deaths and clawing at each other in desperation in the darkness[/b], is something only monsters could perpetrate. And the Nazis were exactly such despicable monsters.

    As to who could possibly in the tiniest way revel in minimizing this, I am unable to say: I sincerely hope no one actually does.

    Why People Believe Weird Things.... is it poor education, poor reading comprehension, poor analytical skills? A reluctance to admit they are totally wrong and have been made fools of by a Cult? Or, by making these excuses, am I being an apologist myself?

    (Love and Forgiveness Class)

    Edited by - Focus on 13 December 2002 22:50:3

  • JH

    We miss you Focus, come back and teach us a thing or two.

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