Any daytraders or Internet Investors?

by Iwasyoungonce 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • Iwasyoungonce

    Just curious,

    One reason I pop on and off the internet is I trade and invest on Ameritrade. Coming here is sometimes a break while I'm waiting for a stock to move. I know that the word "stock" is currently a 4 letter word but any others out there? I am not a daytrader by definition (yet) but I might do it next year as a hobby/business. I love the market. I think its a fun challenge. Any others? What are the rules for daytrading on the European market?

  • happy man
    happy man

    Well take care my friend, this is a very dangerus field.

    myself have like you a very bigg intrest fore stocks, started 7 yers ago, and it whent wery well, fore a while, the problem is that if you find some stock who you relay love, and you se them gowing upp and upp and upp, suddenly they start to go down, and you cant sell them sound crayzy, but it is a fackt, we have fore exampel the famus sweed mobilecompany, Ericsson , fall from 20 $ to under 1, in only one year, a lot of peopel have been ruined on this stock.

    I myself was upp from 5.000 $ to 100.000$, i dont think you want to now how much it is now, not so many procent left.

    If you have the dicipline to always sell when it start to go down, you can sucseed, but it is very easy to sitt and wait , fore the turn around who never come.

    If you want some tip from me, i can give you one in an intresting area, nano, the smal word, who come forward to give us a new word, we have in sweden a company named OBDUCAT, they are on congress in San Fransico 11-13 dec, have some form of collaboraition widh, General Electric.

    But as I say be carefull, or all your money are gone, it have been a littel to much of a casino,

  • happy man
  • metatron

    Not a day trading stock, but look at PVX - a oil and gas trust.

    It looks incredible! - like you could get 19% on your money for many years!

    gimme some analysis here!


  • ballistic

    You can get about 5% with an ISA in the UK which is cash in the bank. With inflation almost down to 1%, I'm happy with that. I'm not trying to make a living out of it or anything.

    I work in a financial institution and I understand some people are really into investment stuff, but it really doesn't turn me on.

  • barry

    Iwasyoung once, Im interested and ive been studying a few books by Daryl guppy on Technical analysis but intraday trading is a bit volitile Im more interested in trading positions for a week to a month timespan. True intraday traders close there positions at the end of day. Many people make 50% return per annum on capital with short term trading.
    Im going to a seminar by Daryl Guppy on tuesday 10th dec where i will be able to tune into the finer points on trading.
    The most important lesson is to act on youre stop losses and every large loss was once a small loss. Barry

  • barry

    Also even though i dont know much about intra day trading reading one of Guppys books I remember him saying depth of market is not available in the US markets but is in Australian stocks and i beleive it would be a very ellective tool for intra day trading as it lists the bid and ask at all levels to predict support and resistance. Barry

  • Alligator Wisdom
    Alligator Wisdom

    Internet traders?

    I invested in stock ~via~ e-trade when I lived in the USA before I moved to Japan. I'm still holding those shares. Even though the stock market declined considerably in the USA since I moved here, I'm hoping for (as CO's always say....) a "fine increase" .

    Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother "NOT Exerting Vigorously")

  • Oldhippie


    I dabble in it because it is rather addicting. I have a day job so it's hard to watch the markets. Do you use any other trading platforms or software such as TCNet or Tradestation? I'll continue to study the markets and develop my skills. Read any good books lately?

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