Official- Bethel cutbacks?

by No Apologies 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • blondie

    During WW2 the WTS used land up by Kingdom Farm South Lansing NY for the possible retreat should it get more dangerous in NYC by building emergency buildings. There were naval shipyards in Brooklyn besides NYC being a large port at that time and the financial center, a prime target for the Nazis.

    Those buildings were eventually used for the Gilead School.

    July 15, 1950 WT page 219 Postwar Enlargement of the Theocratic Organization

    A large 3-story brick building had been erected at Kingdom Farm, South Lansing, New York, in 1940, for emergency purposes. Why let it stand idle? Why not make alterations in it and convert it into missionary-training-school quarters? Just so!

    I am not surprised that in light of 911 that the WTS would think this way again and use the concept of more security and safety for the printing facilities as well as the Bethel family as a means to convince the R&F.

    As a side note, several of the facilities purchased over the last 20 years were not just purchased for a song. Millions of dollars were spent on these sites. But I'm sure that they will be sold for even millions more.


    Edited by - Blondie on 7 December 2002 7:32:58

  • Roddy

    Blondie >>As a side note, several of the facilities purchased over the last 20 years were not just purchased for a song. Millions of dollars were spent on these sites. But I'm sure that they will be sold for even millions more. <<

    At least.

    I remember when the WTS sent requests for interest free money. Well, they used OUR money quite well, havent they? If you want the loan back, sure, you can have it back - just the principal.

    Anyone knows the financial worth of the WTS today?

  • NameWithheld

    Yet more scams for money - notice that the 'wonderful provision' of moving the printing to Walkhill requires the dubs to yet again open up their pockets and empty them into the WT coffers. I would guess the letter read to the congos did not include informations to the fact of how much the WT will make from the sale of Brooklyn property.

  • Farkel

    : My wife told me that last night a letter was read from the Society, explaining how all printing operations in Brooklyn were being moved to either Walkill or Patterson, and that worldwide there would be consolidation of the printing operations.

    EVERYTHING in WatchtowerHeadquartersLand(tm) revolves around money: getting it and keeping it and making it grow. Those properties in Brooklyn are worth hundreds and hundreds of millions of dollars, and the land under them is priceless considering its prime location by the Brooklyn Bridge and East River.

    By disposing of assets, out-sourcing some or most printing operations, and getting hundreds and hundreds of Bethel slaves off their "payroll" of a small stipend, food, clothing allowances, utilities, laundry, etc. They can be cash heavy and maintain a scaled-down complex called er, Bethel-Lite?" It is a sensible business decision and again proves that "Jehovah" has nothing to with them.


    Edited by - Farkel on 9 December 2002 10:56:15

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