How Real are UFO's?

by metatron 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • metatron

    How Real are UFO's?

    Real enough to create a coverup

    Real enough to send in soldiers into a terrified area (Varginha)

    Real enough for a major European country to commission an expert report (probably real -Cometa report

    Real enough for angry complaints of near misses of aircraft

    Real enough to pose a threat of starting an accidental nuclear war

    Real enough to cause documented symptoms similar to radiation poisoning (see Cash-Landrum incident)

    This is just scratching the surface - there's much more


  • rem

    Sure they are real. Weather balloons, government aircraft, photographic artifacts, hoaxes, visual/auditory hallucinations, and reconstructed memories are all real phenomena.

    Are they extraterrestrial? Nope.


  • reubenfine

    I just wonder why one doesn't land in Bank One Ballpark during a game and get it over with. Those buggers are so elusive.

  • proplog2


    You know you are asking to be labeled a "kook". I have read a lot of the UFO stuff. I have been a skeptic with regard to this kind of information. Lights behaving in strange ways. Optical illusions. Schizophrenic observers. All can be used to discredit these reports.

    Until I experienced a situation first hand I would remain a skeptic. The event I witnessed was also witnessed by at least 11 other people in 5 different households. I personally did an extensive interview of 8 of them. My conclusion is that either the government has some absolutely amazing technology or we have some "visitors".

    Who would have thought 300 years ago that spinning a magnet surrounded by coiled wires would lead to the electronic world of today. I think there is a strong possibility that some civilizations with only about 500 years lead on us have figured how to jump through dimensional windows. It might be quite simple - perhaps as simple as the method we have developed of generating electricity.

    While I don't believe in a being usually labeled "God" - I wouldn't be surprised if we have some older brothers-in-evolution that have an interest in what's going on here. A code involving non-intervention - UNLESS - a valued species is about to exterminate itself would parallel our human interest in preventing certain species on Earth from becoming extinct.

  • metatron

    We are rapidly achieving the point where further denial of the reality of these craft
    means abandoning the whole idea of reality itself.

    No eyewitness ever tells the truth, no matter how well trained and sober
    No admission is ever meaningful, no document has any value, and so on.
    I've never read a debunking of the Black Triangle that was tracked on more than one
    radar, chased by NATO jets, seen by numerous eyewitnesses, and acted utterly beyond
    the capabilities of human craft ( Belgium)

    The UFO phenomena is becoming BOLDER - with more and more 'broad daylight' incidents
    This is consistent with a gradual entrance into public consciousness - to avoid panic.
    Right now, it looks like Europe may be getting tired of the heavy handed way the US
    has handled UFOs ( read the Cometa report)


  • freedom96

    If there really was life elsewhere, would that not be completely facinating? Wow, what an even that would be. And then to hope of course that they were friendly.

    Always cracked me up, with the WTS saying that there is no way that there is life anywhere but here. How do they know? Their answer...... cause the bible doesn't talk about it. Therefore, it don't exist.

    I personally believe without a doubt that there are planets that are capable of sustaining life. I believe that there are planets that carry plant life, maybe even small animals. Intelligent life, like aliens, described in detail in movies and books? Hmmmm don't know. Maybe we will find out one day.

  • Crazy151drinker


    Many military protoypes are now unmanned enabling them to make manuvers that would kill a Human. If there are 'aliens' one would tend to think that they would have just 1 style of ship. Not orange balls, silver disks, black triangles, etc..etc... unless of course there are hundreds of species of 'aliens'- and in that case at least one would have tried to take us over by now.

  • MegaDude

    Aliens...or I should say belief in aliens doesn't make one iota of difference in anybody's life. There is not one shred of physical evidence that UFOs are anything but natural phenomena or man-made devices.

    If aliens do exist, and they fly around in cool little saucers, they certainly lack decent communication skills.

  • metatron

    I love posting things that no one bothers to read.

    I also love flat dismissals with no further investigation

    Read about the Varginha incident, if you like scary stories.

    As for the rest, I'm still young enough to wait patiently for full disclosure.
    Eventually, UFO incidents will become so blatant that denial will be embarrassing.

    here's another to ignore


  • Analysis

    I for some reason could not open the Varginha Report.

    As for me I have no doubt that the US possesses Air Craft Technology far above what the public knows. The flying black triangles are one such aircraft. They are used to spy on foreign countries and therefore I can understand why Europe and Russia would be concerned about UFOs.

    I have read that they actually have a flying Air Craft Carrier that can launch Jets into Space. They can also direct the exhaust from the Jet Engines to help navigate the quick turns that are seen by UFOs. So I think most of what is seen is US technology.

    But, to me the question is does the US Armed Services think or know that UFOs exist? Also the ancient artwork spacecraft and writings that describe Flying Objects. How reliable can we take these artifacts? Who knows that the ancient myths are not encounters with UFOs.

    As Mulder said the "Truth is Out There." And I for one will keep an open mind.

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