Have you ever been in a car accident?

by back2dafront 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • Bendrr

    Yeah I was in a bad one in 92. Some drunk hillbilly tried to turn left in front of me and we hit head on. The seatbelt saved me, only bruising my sternum. Beer cans in the back of his truck flew all over the place. The sheriff knew him and came over to me trying to act like the alcohol was mine. It wasn't. The guy didn't have insurance and told the sheriff so. The sheriff settled for writing the guy up for failure to yeild, no sobriety test, no ticket or arrest for not having insurance, and then just to be an a-hole he wrote me a ticket for "too fast for conditions" (which was promptly thrown out of court).

    I had to file it on my uninsured motorist coverage and it took over a month to get the bi*ch claims adjuster to settle. She kept trying to say the wreck was my fault, but suddenly changed her tune the last time I called and said "ok then, I'll file suit tomorrow and let a jury decide". I had my check personally delivered the next morning.


  • Bendrr

    Oh yeah, 3 motorcycle wrecks.

    One was my fault. The road was wet and as I started to slow down for a red light I hit the "grease strip" in the middle of the lane. The bike felt like she was on ice, just went sideways and out from under me. I slid a good 50 or 60 feet on my ass (and my back-up pistol in the s.o.b. holster).

    The other two were typical bike wrecks. Some idiot looks me right in the eye and pulls out in front of me. The last one was the last time I've ridden. I'd just spent 3 hours cleaning and polishing that bike. I jumped up, threw my helmet at they guy's car (missed), and stormed over to the geek who probably crapped his drawers when he saw the look on my face.

    "I didn't see you". Now how many times have you other riders heard that lame-brain line? "What are you fu**ing blind or just stupid?! It's broad daylight, my bike has chrome out the ass, loud pipes, the headlight is on 'bright' and you looked right at me! Maybe you could see better if I shoved that fu**ing cellphone up your ass!" Then the cop showed up. And he just happened to be a motorcycle cop. Needless to say that guy got yet another earful from the cop. Then the cop stayed to help load my bike on a friend's truck.


  • waiting

    1. If your insurance is not Allstate.....don't talk to Allstate. I heard Geico was just as bad. Will wait to settle until you seriously get a lawyer and take them to Court. (at least in our area SC)

    2. If policeman puts in writing it's not your fault.....that's not good enough for the insurance adjuster.

    3. If the other person says they were totally at fault...that's not good enough for the insurance adjuster.

    4. Don't talk to anyone if you're on any kind of medication (unless it's your attorney).

    5. Don't talk to the other side's adjuster.

    6. Don't let anyone record anything. "It can and will be used against you."

    7. Might as well get a friggin' attorney - you'll most likely need it, even if everyone says it's not your fault.

    8. Try to get one of your kids to marry an attorney, will save expenses later on.


  • target

    Been in several. All were the other driver's fault. That is where I get my name "Target" from. I feel like I am driving around with one on my car.

    I have been driving for 40 years and was never at fault in any accident.

    I was broadsided when I was driving a school bus. The woman said she didn't think I was coming her way. There was no other way but up. She had no insurance. Yep, I have some stories.


  • bigfloppydog

    I have been in 6 accidents, none of which was my fault. Some I can remember, one was when I was 8 months pregnant with my daughter, and my son was in the back of the car, hubby was driving. Seat belt regulations were not manditory then. Someone went through a stop sign and hit my side of the car. All were okay, just shock up. Another was when we were going into a gas station, and got hit from behind, because the vehicle behind us had brakes that were not working. Another was driving on the road, and the truck in front stopped in front of us, and started backing up, he did not see us (big truck) we swerved to get off the road, and he hit our car. Another was in winter, I slide on ice, and slid into a gas station, then the police behind me also slid in the same spot. I had another accident and slid on ice, into a ditch. I also drove a school bus, and when stopping to pick up kids, put my flashing lights on, a truck approaching us slammed on his breaks, he hit the bus on left front corner, flip over the front of bus, and landed upside down in ditch, kids were shook-up, but no serious injuries, I stopped driving a little while after that. Could account for problems with my back to this day.

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