Watchtower Society Given Prestigious Medical Award

by Derrick 31 Replies latest social current

  • Derrick

    Many on this site focus on the Society's negative aspects. It's as if many of you are afraid to mention anything positive just in case it might reveal that Jehovah's Witnesses are humans who keep trying, even after various human failings, to make a positive impact on this world.

    Don't you agree that it's fair to give them credit when due? Then read on. Otherwise, grab your blinders and close this window on your screen immediately to keep your conscience from coming in contact with reality.

    Health and Medicine

    Society for the Advancement of Blood Management recognizes a primary source of information regarding transfusion alternatives
    "Without their help, none of us who practice in the field of blood management would be where we are today. It is with great pleasure and most humble thanks that the Society for the Advancement of Blood Management presents this award as a Pioneer in Blood Management to the men and women of the Hospital Information Services of the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society."Dr. Richard K. Spence, who presented a Certificate of Recognition to Jehovah's Witnesses at the SABM medical symposium.

    Very impressive! Although many of you are angry at the human mistakes of those leading JWs, anyone who is unbiased cannot deny the impact Jehovah's Witnesses have made.

    The good and bad, each deserves mention in a free democratic society. Congratulations to the worldwide association of Jehovah's Witnesses for effecting the changes in medical technologies that this pretigious award represents.


  • Gopher

    Yes they have helped the medical community see alternatives to blood transfusions, got to give them their due on that.

    In the same breath it must be mentioned that the JW's are allowing more and more blood fractions than before, and the guidance they've given their people on where they stand (what is allowable, what is not) is very confusing to all but the most knowledgeable of their adherents.

    So they've helped the outside world while confusing the heck out of their own members, and pretty soon the way things are going, accepting blood in a life-threatening situation may become a conscience matter for a Watchtower adherent (as well as it should be). But it's good to have the choice of non-blood medical management when such is possible.

    I'm sure people more knowledgeable than I am will comment on this subject.

  • Farkel


    : Very impressive! Although many of you are angry at the human mistakes of those leading JWs, anyone who is unbiased cannot deny the impact Jehovah's Witnesses have made.

    It cost 10,000 innocent lives to get that "award," so which is more important, the "award" or the DEAD 10,000 dubs because the WTS is run by idiots who are using 3,000 year old verses out-of-context to kill people? They are killing people with their policy right now as we speak. On California time that we share.

    Do you care more about some stupid award or do you care more about the lives that are being sacrificed every day while the mighty WTS basks in their glory and ignores the hosts of dead they've left behind to get their pitiful reward?

    The WTS cares NOTHING about the thousands of dead they've left behind, but loves the attention they get for letting those people die and forcing medical people to come up with different ways to save people to satisfy Watchtower rules(tm) so that people won't die because of Watchtower rules(tm)..

    I'm going to puke. Rick: you are ever the WTS apologetic idiot. Get a clue.


    Edited by - Farkel on 29 November 2002 22:58:36

  • Stephanus

    The blood doctrine is alive and well - you'll see that in the KM for December, the scans of which I received from Dmouse today and will be putting on my webpage soon.

  • Derrick
    The blood doctrine is alive and well - you'll see that in the KM for December, the scans of which I received from Dmouse today and will be putting on my webpage soon.

    Really? I was under the impression they were making progress in this area, that The Liberal Elder's AJWRB web site was bearing good fruit in their awareness of past Biblical interpretative errors in this blood drenched Watchtower Society teaching. How can this doctrine be "alive and well" when they are allowing more and more leeway in use of blood components in medical treatment?


  • rocky220

    This awards doesn't erase the lives lost due to a ridiculous Blood Doctrine....nor does it change that more will be lost in the future. So, sorry but, I'm not impressed...rocky220

  • shera

    If it is changing,I think that is great for the lives ahead that will be saved.I agree with the others here,it doesn't change the fact of all the people,more so for the children, that has died in vain.Yep,God is at work there....

  • Scully

    Stephanus writes:

    The blood doctrine is alive and well - you'll see that in the KM for December, the scans of which I received from Dmouse today and will be putting on my webpage soon.

    I see nothing's changed over the years. December's KM was the usual Let's-Get-Ready-For-New-NOBlood-Cards ever since the annual event was instituted in the late 80s/early 90s. It seemed to be the beginning of when lawyers, rather than the concept of Biblical doctrine, started being the focus of dub-dom.

    Love, Scully

  • Scully

    Derrick writes:

    How can this doctrine be "alive and well" when they are allowing more and more leeway in use of blood components in medical treatment?

    People are still dying from lack of blood, it's that simple. Ask Lawrence Hughes about what happened to his daughter Bethany. Ask him about how the WTS fought him tooth and nail while HE wanted to exercise HIS CONSCIENCE in seeking treatments for a sick daughter dying of leukemia. The cancer didn't kill her. She died of congestive heart failure secondary to ANEMIA, because WTS LAWYERS made certain she didn't receive blood.

    Do you think Jehovah wants parents to sacrifice their children when their children need blood?

    Jeremiah 7:30, 31 " 'For the sons of Judah have done what is bad in my eyes,' is the utterance of Jehovah. 'They have set their disgusting things in the house upon which my name has been called, in order to defile it. And they have built the high places of To'pheth, which is in the valley of the son of Hin'nom, in order to burn their sons and their daughters in the fire, a thing that I had not commanded and that had not come up into my heart.' "

    Jeremiah 19:5 "And they built the high places of the Ba'al in order to burn their sons in the fire as whole burnt offerings to the Ba'al, something that I had not commanded or spoken of, and that had not come up into my heart."

    Matthew 9:13 (Jesus to the Pharisees) "Go, then, and learn what this means, 'I want mercy, and not sacrifice.' For I came to call, not righteous people, but sinners."

    Love, Scully

    Edited by - Scully on 30 November 2002 7:54:12

  • garybuss

    Where's the award to the Nazi's for their medical experiments? For those of us who have lost loved ones prematurely due to the Watch Tower Publishing Corporation blood medical treatment guidelines, any award associated with the blood medical non-treatment viewpoint is outrageous.

    In my opinion, the Watch Tower Publishing Corporation has published guidelines for medical non-blood treatment for medical reasons, having nothing to do with religion. That medical advise was bad advise resulting in undue suffering and death, and bad medical advise resulting in undue suffering and death is malpractice if they are giving the advise from behind a doctor's license, and practicing medicine without a license if they are not.

    Any corporation that takes children hostage by religious rites and rituals and requires their parents to either endanger their lives by refusing modern blood derived medical treatment or be shunned, is criminal. Where are the attorneys willing to take on this issue?


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