
by shera 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • shera

    Thanks for your e-mail.Just wanted everyone to know what a nice person you are.

    Thanks for helping me understand a situation better.It is hard to read people over the net.

  • onacruse

    Here, here!


  • xenawarrior

    YES- She is a very nice person!!!!!!!

    Also one of the most caring and compassionate people I've come across in a long time. I am honored to call her my friend.

    Thanks shera for giving me this opportunity to say so!!!!!!!!

    XW of the "Scootergirl Fan Club Member" class

    Edited by - xenawarrior on 29 November 2002 12:42:56

    Edited by - xenawarrior on 29 November 2002 12:43:42

  • Shutterbug

    Count me as another Scootergirl fan. Scooter, may I adopt you?? I need grandchildren. Bill

  • Valis

    A scootergirl fan indeed

    All of you have no clue what kind of person sccotergirl is. She's really quite evil. She lets you come to her house, drink as much beer as you can possibly put in your body, wreck her ATVs, feeds you yummy food, takes you to beautiful and scenic spots in her fair state, carts you around all over, helps you get you get glasses after you break your titanium unbreakable glasses, feeds you more yummy food, sends you jummy jams and preserves via the other super evil eyegirl, buys you lunch, is a loving mother, lets you have a good fire and fireworks in the backyard...need I say more? Beware of sheep in biker gear I always say.


    District Overbeer

  • Jesika

    LMAO @ Valis

    I think scooter is very sweet. I got the chance to speak with her over the phone, and she even sounded sweet.

  • LyinEyes

    I have been telling you people this for months......, well j/k, it is nice that so many see MY adopted sister as I do....LOL at Valis, he gives a good description of her and her equally wonderful sister, my other adopted sister, Eyegirl. These two ladies are so sweet , it just makes my day to talk to such optimistic people like these two. One day I hope to make my way to the "body farm", and share some of her cooking that Valis has so often bragged about. Maybe Eyegirl and I can camp in the backyard and pass out too. Oh the possibilites,,,,,,,,,heehee, soon I hope to find my way to MS and WS to some of the sweetest ladies on this forum....

    Dede, also of the Scooter and Eye girl fan club........( now do I get extra pie for my membership???)

  • scootergirl

    Cripes guys.....nuttin like scaring the crap out of me! I grab a cup of coffee, sit at the puter, check out the forum and see a thread with my name on it........YIKES

    Thank you all for your nice was completely unexpected and undeserved-but very much appreciated!

    It isn't hard to be nice to such wonderful peeps! Anytime and I mean ANYTIME you find yourselves in Northern Minnesota, I certainly hope that you can find time to come and visit! I have grown very fond of the people that I have met on the forum.......truely another blessing in my life.

  • Sentinel


    .......I already knew you were a special person, but it's nice to know you have other fans out there as well, and that this post was to honor you.

  • eyegirl

    cripes!! i go out of town for a couple of days and look what happens heehee. seriously, my sister does rock. couldn't ask for a better one. love ya teenie

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