New to board-1st post

by kril 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • jurs

    Hi Bootsie and Kril........................WELCOME


  • Buster

    Welcome Bootsie and Krill.

    Krill: If you don't believe the teachings at the hall, then you'll eventually have quite a motivational problem there. The JWs are a demanding culture. If you've been in it for a while, you know they can be brutally judgemantal. You might as well decide now whether you plan to abandon independant thought and stick with 'em, or lead your life as you see fit for yourself. If you're gonna leave, the sooner the better.

  • Farkel


    : Baleen is a sieve-like device that Mysticeti (baleen whales) use to obtain nourishment (krill, plankton

    I worded my comment poorly, but my comment was addressed to "Krill" and I did state (rather poorly) that some whales ate Krill. It was obvious that I knew the two were associated. If you want to be a pedant, don't do it on the obvious fact that I knew that Krill and baleen whales were associated, but do it on my syntax. Of course, my comment was an aside. Your post had nothing to do with the subject of Krill's thread, but maybe it made you feel better. Pedants are like that. They offer nothing but correction and then feel good about it and think they did something worthwhile. Dipfucks are like that too, but I'm not claiming you are the latter. My, oh my, no. I would never do do.


  • PopeOfEruke

    Hi Farkel

    I know you probably won't believe me, but when I read your post mentioning the "baleen-eating whales" I knew something was not quite right but I couldn't put my finger on it. It was like my Fortran compiler got one of those errors that get posted at the end of the porgram listing that says "Variable may be used before being assigned a value". Great - but what variable??

    Anyway I did the Google and posted the response, more for my edification than anyone else's.

    I remain, your humble servant,

    The Pope

  • badwillie

    "If I don't agree with the WTBS view of things, what benifit do I get by leaving? Why should I leave and loose all my family and friends? It seems like a lose-lose position."

    When slaves were freed in this country some chose to stay behind and continue to work for their respective masters (albeit former masters). Why? Probably because there was a certain "comfort" level there - a familiarity, if we can call it that. Those that left the plantations often left behind family and friends in the pursuit of freedom and independence. So, yes it can be very lonely - at first.

  • Farkel


    : I remain, your humble servant,

    I HATE suck-ups, dang it! Stop it!


  • Guest 77
    Guest 77

    Your on the right track, just keep searching at YOUR own pace. If your content with your present status, that's your decision.

    Guest 77


    Howdy, Bootsie & Krill, and welcome.

    I'm still pretty new here myself. The only comment I would make is, "This ain't no practice life!" This is it! And how we live it should be of our own choosing. But you're looking at the road ahead, right now. One of these days you'll be looking back at where you've been. Just try to make choices you'll still be content with twenty or more years from now. And, by the way, I agree with Shakita and Ozzie. In fact both of Ray's books are great for someone at your juncture.

    Again, welcome and enjoy!

  • termite 35
    termite 35

    Hello Bootsie& Krill,

    Glad you find the board of use and that you keep looking and getting your questions off your chest.

    You ask what you would gain by leaving?Then perhaps now is'nt the time to leave

    .I know when I had doubts and unanswered questions I hung around for a long time mulling over the losses I would suffer and the possible shunning etc.But eventually the decietfulness of the GB made it impossible for me to stay ,as the child abuse issues , the UN issue s and the double standards of some elders were too much to stomach.I could'nt be associated with an organisation who were so obviously hypocritical, but it took time to come to that decision and it was a difficult time.I assume when you have learnt more you will be in more of a position to make an informed decision about your future life. good to have you here

    Good luck x

  • SPAZnik

    Welcome Kril & Bootsie too.


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