Lets sue City Hall

by PopeOfEruke 5 Replies latest jw experiences

  • PopeOfEruke

    A JW relative fell over on a broken curb while out witnessing some years back. Relative has eventually sued the City Council (with help of 'elders' of course). The court case comes up shortly, I am curious of the outcome.

    Is this an example of a double standard or what?? While out preaching door-to-door that Gods kingdom will soon destroy all Governments and kill all the politicians INCLUDING the local City Council, this drone of the Borg FALLS OVER and then SUES the Council?

    So, like, if they keep the roads better repaired for the JW's to do their preaching work, then Jehovah will go easier on them at Armegeddon? Maybe the deathstroke will be quicker or what? Maybe the councillors will be spared seeing their little children slaughtered first, as a bit of bonus? I mean, we couldn't accuse Jehovah of being "ungenerous" could we?

    Why isn't the WT Society whose books are being peddled, responsible for its workers? Shouldn't they pay damages when one of the peddlars get injured!?

    What a crock of scatological effluent the WT Society is.....


  • Beck_Melbourne

    Taxes honey!! Taxes!!!! The government/council have a duty of care. The consideration for paying our taxes is to provide a safe environment, among other things.

    I would be interested to know who they would be suing...there are other parties no doubt involved...as the council outsource most of their street maintenance services.


  • PopeOfEruke


    the WT Society pays NO taxes.....and most of the JW's are on the dole as well, so they don't pay taxes either. What a cozy little arrangement!


  • Beck_Melbourne
    the WT Society pays NO taxes

    Well this is true. I imagine it would be an indivdual suing the council or a third party rather then the WT society suing.

    These "damages" cases are getting more pathetic by the hour.


  • Navigator

    Having worked for a City for 18 years I can assure you that suing the City is by no means easy. First of all, they can limit their liability by getting appropriate laws passed through the state legislature. Generally they can only be sued for Proprietary functions such as water supply and garbage pickup. They are suit proof for the most part in governmental functions which include street maintenance in most states. In addition, a perusal of the City Ordinances would probably show that the responsibility for curb maintenance lies with the homeowner. Juries are all too aware that passing out large damage awards for this sort of claim would raise their own taxes.

  • fearnotruth22

    TRue jws are an obnoxious brewed but the city hits hard and when jws or whomever gets a good shot, good fror them

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