rem's 1st Annual Birthday Bash

by rem 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • dedalus

    Happy birthday, Kelly! Looks like you had a great time. How you managed to avoid decapitating at least one of your birthday guests is beyond me -- you must have had some demon help or something!


  • crownboy

    rem, yeah you do have a girl's name. How nice of your parents.

    Wow, you got your JW brother and sister to attend your birthday party party? I would have to doubt that they are very strong JW's, but that's a good thing. But the JW indocrination still can work hard on so called "weak ones", so it's a testament to your close relationship that they would even consider doing something which is highly disapproved by their religion. If an elder or anyone sees the picture, all they have to do is ask him "what were you doing on that site?" .

  • outnfree

    Happy Birthday, Rem!!!
    Hey, for a babe, you're a hunk! 
  • rem

    lol @ dedalus. Great to hear from ya, man!

    Larc, I'm in your neck of the woods right now, but I've been busy visiting friends and whatnot. Not sure if I'll have transportation to go by and see you. I'll call ya. It's freezing over here!


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