Christian priorities and holidays

by jurs 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • NameWithheld

    WC's reasoning is exactly like the WT's reasoning on birthdays - since people in the bible got killed on 2 people's birthdays they must be bad. Last I checked beheadings were not socially acceptable forms of birthday celibration in today's society But years ago an excecution was public entertainment. I guess humanity has always had a bloodthristy nature - just nowdays we have fake stuff to watch (movies, TV, video games) instead.

  • shera

    I celerbrate christmas,because I love it.Its fun and the children are happy.I get together with my family all threw the yr,but christmas just makes it better and better food. I love to buy for other people and yep,I save it for this time of the yr....well,I buy for my children all year around.But the special things are for christmas.I love the lights,the tree,wrapping gifts and watching my family open them. I don't care what pagans did 1000 yrs ago,we turned into something elese.Jesus didn't judge people for their traditions.

    Edited by - shera on 25 November 2002 13:6:41

  • Xena
    So, by your own guidelines, we should all take into account that C.T. Russell was over a hundred years ago - so forget about his pyramid measuring, rascism, false prophecy's etc, etc, and just go with the flow of the GB and Watchtower's new light. After all, like you said, we have to learn to live, be born into, and adapt to our surroundings. Heehee. They were so long ago, that they couldn't possibly do any harm.

    The WT religion still harms people thru their two witness, blood and shunning policies...perhaps if these were done away with...well who knows??

    Christmas doesn't harm anyone...well unless you count getting a bit bumped and brused in the crowds...

    I enjoy the time with my daughter, the smell of a freshly cut tree, the bright lights and the PRESENTS!

    Xena of the greedy for all the worldy stuff class

  • NameWithheld
    So, by your own guidelines, we should all take into account that C.T. Russell was over a hundred years ago - so forget about his pyramid measuring, rascism, false prophecy's etc, etc, and just go with the flow of the GB and Watchtower's new light. After all, like you said, we have to learn to live, be born into, and adapt to our surroundings. Heehee. They were so long ago, that they couldn't possibly do any harm.

    Actually, if the WTBTS had turned into a generally healthy place to be, a good organization, then yes, I would say the above would be perfectly true. I could really care less about CT Russell, although understanding him help one understand the roots of the JW movement. Although I think Rutheford had more to do with "JW's" than Russell did - Rutheford threw away all of Russell's teachings.

    And I what I said wan't that we have to learn to adapt to our surroundings, I said that the vast majority of mankind's religious and moral beliefs are made for them due to the accident of the place of their birth. This is doubly true in lesser developed countries, where the opportunities to educate themselves on other cultures/religions are not available.

  • Swan

    NameWithheld wrote,

    WC's reasoning is exactly like the WT's reasoning on birthdays - since people in the bible got killed on 2 people's birthdays they must be bad. Last I checked beheadings were not socially acceptable forms of birthday celibration in today's society But years ago an excecution was public entertainment. I guess humanity has always had a bloodthristy nature - just nowdays we have fake stuff to watch (movies, TV, video games) instead.

    That is a very good point. I notice the WTBTS hasn't stopped preaching from door to door since two JWs were beheaded in the Philippines this summer.


  • terabletera

    I love christmas. Love the expense. Love the crowds. Love the kids getting all materialistic on me. love the baking,love love love. I have no care in the world about what pagans did or did not do. I have never heard Jesus say anything on the matter anyway.

    Christmas is great! Keeping it.

  • Jesus Christ
    Jesus Christ

    Who cares how a certain tradition was started? All that matters is why its done now. I love that people want to get together and celebrate my birthday regardless of when I was actually born.

  • terabletera

    See? Jesus does NOT mind. I knew he'd have to post on that. Thanks Jee! You rock.

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge

    Wing Commander:

    So, it doesn't matter that holidays have pagan origins?? Pagans practiced human sacrifice - if that were part of Christmas, would you still do it??? Rediculous. I'm sorry, I don't find ANY pagan practice "harmless", no matter how "innocent" it has become down through the you all really think that makes it ok? I wouldn't think that God would think so!!! I'm sure this post will get a flood of "Christmas is soo good and loving" responses. Sheesh. :) Don't let me stop you from mixing pagan and Christian views together.............keep celebrating the Sun.......errrr.......Christ's birth!!

    I enjoy most of your posts, but this last one.... well, you kind of remind me of a Pharisee.

    I've never been a JW, but as a Christian I consider Christmas one of the special times of the year, one which I believe God doesn't disapprove of. He wants us to have joy and to love one another, and when Christmas is celebrated with the right intent it can only be a positive experience. Even to non-Christians, this time of the year can be 'magical' (don't read anything demonized into that word, please). Sure, people can get caught up into the superficalness of the holiday, and if they do, then they only short-change themselves of the awesome and wonderful of celebration of the birth of the Savior of mankind. If you're truly moving beyond your past narrow-minded beliefs, you've got to recognize that people celebrate Christmas for many reasons, and none of them are 'evil'....

  • freedom96

    Well said Double Edge.

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