The British.

by Englishman 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • Englishman
    One thing I find about a lot of the British !!!boy do they complain !!! about the weather,bus system,trains, etc,etc,etc, I was there last year & I really had to laugh I went through the whole day once counting "complaints" ( they were numerous) When I asked one soul "What are you doing about it?" he laughed & said Complaining"

    You need to understand the British psyche to know why we complain. It's our way of being friendly!

    When a Brit starts a conversation with a stranger, he's looking to establish 3 things:

    1. Common ground.

    2. A get out for himself.

    3. A get out for you. (We really are that considerate)

    The common ground will usually be the weather. It's hot, it's cold , it's wet, it's dry, it's windy, it's mild. This gives you the opportunity to either agree, mention that it's not as hot, cold, wet, dry windy or mild as it was this time yesterday. At that point the conversation can either finish or continue, either way no-one will feel snubbed or slighted, and from such small beginnings can great friendships be made. Our complaints are conversation starters.

    This, folks, is our way of being hospitable to you, the overseas visitor!


  • Pleasuredome

    absolutely old chap. dont those foreigners get on your nerves?

  • SYN

    And you do certainly have lots to complain about when it comes to your weather. Maybe all the British posters should come stay in Johannesburg!

    We had a British guy at my company demonstrating some software to us a few weeks back, and he was awed by our THUNDERSTORMS??? He said he'd never really seen anything as violent as an average Joburg storm. Goodness! Is the weather really that boring back in Blighty?

  • SpannerintheWorks

    A bit nippy today isn't, E-man? Not too cold for November, though. A few years ago you could guarantee snow by now!

    Riveting, isn't it!


  • Englishman

    It is quite warm for November especially when you think that Christmas is only just over 4 weeks away. The nights are drawing in fast now, though not as fast as they drew in last year. We certainly don't get winters like we used to, do we?


  • mouthy

    Thanks mate for explaining----- Now I know the rest of the story!!!

    Dont get me wrong I LOVE England!!! Would love to live in Kingsbridge . Devon !where I was evacuated in the WW2.... but I was just pointing out all folks of all culters have "foibles"

    After there was a discussion about the Americans. ( O.K what is the next county we can pick on???

    I know one GERMANY!!!!!!!!lol

  • uriah

    Oh, absolutely, old man. You know, ;I was saying just that same thing to my wife the other day,
    whislt queueing up for God knows what and for God knows how long. 
    Have you seen the price of potatoes and don't get me started on runner beans. 
    You know, those yankee chappies, across the pond, don't know they are alive. 
    They come over here in their Rupert bear trousers and scarfs and want to know how far it is to 
    Cornwall. I tell them, oh a bout 250 -300 miles or so, take you about 5 hours, bit of a run 
    I'm afraid. They snort (as only they can) Bit of a run, why in the 'states we go 7hunnered mile 
    withou' blinkin'. Fine I says, but then your roads are straight and empty 
    ( your head) but here we have a thing called the 
    Bank Holiday where the roads shrink to single file one way street with no escape. 
    Oh well, they will see for themselves. By Jingo, I do believe it is time for tea, so pip pip you fellows.
  • SpannerintheWorks

    Mouthy!!! I only live about 20 miles from Kingsbridge!!!

    See - talking about the weather is the secret to the art of conversation!

    No, E-man, winters certainly aren't what they used to be. 30-odd years ago, I used to live in Chorley and I remember snow piled 6 foot high on our driveway!


    Edited by - SpannerintheWorks on 21 November 2002 12:2:21

  • TruckerGB

    I was stood at my garden gate back in the summer having just got back from a spot of emmet hunting,when these Americans,awfully nice people,asked me where the road went,'Im dashed if I know 'I said,'its been here for years.

    A bit showery today wasnt it,

    Chin chin,


  • mouthy

    Hey! Spanner.....Great! I am planning to stay at that Hotel on the estaury next summer. I used to live with the BONDS--- they made cider.. ( rich folks! I worked like a maid- I was 13-14)

    So you must know Brummie? dont forget to let me know when your next convention is......

    You lucky duck! would love to live where you do.....

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