Sad and Hurt

by els 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • els

    I ran into a woman today who is a friend of my sister-in-law, my brothers wife. She told me that my sister-in-law sold her book that she has been working on for years. I have read and commented on every rewrite of this book. She is married to the brother that I have always been closest to. She has three boys, the oldest is just a little younger than my son. Her middle son I delivered in their car. We have always had these long phone calls whenever our kids were driving us nuts.
    She and my brother aren't even that good of witnesses, sort of on again, off again, but they have been shunning me along with the rest of my family. I just am having a really hard time realizing that she didn't even call to tell me about her book being published. I feel forgotton and not wanted, like left over food in the back of the fridge.
    I was feeling really good lately and then Wham! I get blindsided. This is such crap. I never asked to be a witness, but I still get punished for not being one. els

  • Joyzabel


    I'm sorry, I don't know what to say. It really hurts, I know.


  • jurs


    Hugs to you! How sad .


  • Southland

    This is indeed sad. I'm surprised to read she was writing a book and sold it. I wouldn't think this would be an "acceptable" JW profession, especially for a woman.

  • shera

    Sorry Els,that you are hurting.Hugs to you....thats crappy,all you did and you are just shoved to the side.

    You have friends here

  • MrMoe

    Regardless of if thier not contacting you was dub-related or not... please keep in mind families DO drift apart. Sad, but happens all the time. I have spoken to my brother very little in teh last few years (like 10) and to be blunt, I don't care. Of course he is a big fat looser, but that is beside the point. End result is, I have family only 2 hours away in Miami, I think the WORLD of them, but I don't stay in contact. Why? Because I am a hermit.

    I was feeling really good lately and then Wham!

    So keep feeling good. Why let them get u down!


  • kelpie

    ((((((((Els))))))))) We all feel your pain.. Try not to let them get to you too much.. Always remember, we are here if you needs us....


    a rose for you

  • ugg

    i feel just awful for you.....that is so horrible.....sending hugs......and lots of them!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Prisca


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