Forever Bashing JW's??

by ScoobySnax 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • Grunt

    Hi Scooby,
    While I just drop in from time to time, I really like this board and a lot of people who post here. I have saved a lot of information here that has benefited me in adjusting my own attitudes and in trying to help others.
    One reason I have posted on this board and over at H20 was to try and help others. All of us who have been in this cult have valuable experience that can help others to avoid or to get out of the same trap we were once in.
    As for disagreements, yeah, humans will always do that unless there is some kind of Big Brother keeping them in line. Watch the political debates in your government sometimes. Think about disagreements within your own family. Most of us can tolerate a lot of differences, and most of us approach this site without a desire to control or dominate any other person.
    I don't know what your situation is. Maybe you have posted it and I missed it. I hope you are out and free and that all of your family are too. I hope no one that you love like your mom or dad is shunning you. It does make a difference in your attitude that you need to experience to appreciate fully. So don't judge too harshly, and be patient. There's a lot of smart people here who have had similar experiences and can offer advice and informed views that deserve to be listened to. At least, that is how I see it.
    If you are an ex or current Witness then you need a place like this to find out more about the lies you have been told, to find out more of the tricks past and present the old Cult has been up too, and to see what the latest changes your loved ones are being brainwashed into accepting are.


  • ScoobySnax

    Musky......Thankyou. Keep your mind open. Always question "Why are they saying that"? .......many here will not agree that it works both ways!

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    Sometimes you just have to feel the way you feel until you don't feel that way anymore. A lot of people have been hurt badly by the Witnesses. There are few things worse than being betrayed and then thrown away. Realize that many people recovering from their JW experience grow from it, while others do not. Both types are represented in this forum.

  • JT

    yOU KNOW what the real deal is my man, here you need to be able to back up what you say, if you can't --you will get blasted out of the water

    why not try this

    Put a WT dogma like "Alternative Service" on the table and see if you can defend this very damaging policy of the wt,

    why not you bring up a wt issue,

    you tried to compare here to the hall, i almost wanted to laugh

    you see NO ONE WOULD SPEAK TO US including YOU-- standing in front of the Hall, FOR fear of being seen by others and you know the penlty

    yet here -- WE WOULD ALWAYS speak to you-- even if we disagreed

    yet as you read this post you know full well that almost all the folks here have jw "friends/family" that will NOT SPEAK TO THEM and why ----cause they don't agree with views

    no my freind --we are nothing like the hall YOU WILL NEVER BE SHUNNED FOR NOT AGREEING

    IF YOU meet us on the street we could talk about the weather, sports etc and not discuss wt issues

    yet no jw would be able to talk to us about any issue-- AS THE SEPT 1/15/81 WT AND the recent KM stated YOU DON'T EVEN SAY HELLO

    my friend we are not like the Hall

  • minimus

    Some love and live to bash JW's. When they were Witnesses, they did the same thing with other religions. It makes them feel good.I know a number of Witnesses that are truly fine people. If hate is the agenda for any posters here, it becomes very obvious. Some think that they are so above everybody else because they have been "out" longer and are THE authority. They chide those that they feel are inferior.That's the way it is. We all "bash" at one time or another. Some just don't know when to stop (or how to stop).

  • RevMalk

    This is what happens. You have some here that are just plain hurt, some angry, some sad, some that are freaking basket cases. You put all that into one bowl and what do you get? Well, it depends on how you look at it. You might see a mess, others might see healing. Is the Glass empty or full?

    At times I get my fill of these boards and chat rooms and I walk away for a while. When will I ever get it out of my system? Maybe never, maybe tomorrow, who knows. I never found much sense in the bitching and moaning myself, that's why I'm not a huge poster. Since I discovered the silentlambs issue, and realized I'm not alone, I found a reason to go on. Will I fizzle out on that? God I hope not....not until something is done about it anyway. My point is, everyone has their agenda, everyone has their gripe, and everyone looks at things differently, what are ya gonna do?

  • ScoobySnax

    LOL......J.T., Well the "real deal is my man" that your ranting post has nothing to do with "backing up what you say..." (as you say) You know what, you are a prime example of what I do say though, the minute you get a whiff of dissention, BANG!, out comes the same old stuff, ridicule, aggression, a superiority complex (we are nothing like the hall !!!) etc......Now tell me this, before I get "blasted out of the water"......what is the difference between that awful mindset you left and the one you are in now??

  • SixofNine

    I guess I'll bash as long as there is reason to bash, which is why I bash in the first place. Honestly Scooby, I've read some of your post, and you seem passionless and lobotomized where important things are concerned. 'JW kids sacrificed on an alter of wacky, weak doctrine? Who cares. Peoples lives destroyed by faulty weak doctrine wielded by god usurping despots? Who cares; aren'tcha gonna move on with your life, let those people be?'

    While I'll admit my passionate hatred for the JW organization has cooled slightly with time, I truly hope I'm never at the point you are, Scooby. The problems in that organization didn't go away just because I moved on.

    Edited by - SixofNine on 20 November 2002 0:32:17

  • COMF

    Hey, scooby. Eat shit and die.

    There, I know you feel better now. That's the reaction you're trying to provoke.

  • ScoobySnax

    Thanks COMF ...of course your response was just what I was asking for, and of course I feel much better now. Maybe I should leave off now, just like you say.

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