Thanks, Tears and Nilfun............

by Cassiline 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • Cassiline

    As I sit here reading all the well wishes and think back to my JW days when we were told what awful/horrible people lived in the world. Not only did you all write your well wishes to keep my spirits up on the threads below there were e-mails, cards and phone calls.

    Thank you all for your well wishes you were too kind. Reminding me once again the kindness that abounds around all of us. One of the many wishes that were so kind and played over and over in my head was, time released hugs being sent your way .....

    Thanks to each and every one of you. I am sorry I have not addressed everyone here separately as its hard to sit for long periods of time. Please know I think of you all often and how your kind words and thoughts affected me.

    All the little understandings, the unnoticed kindnesses the hundreds of gentle smiles and acts of friendship that tend to make ones life. Many thanks sent to all of you.

    I do however wish to take a moment to thank Nilfun. She was my secret Santa and sent me wonderful Christmas present about a week ago. Today while on the phone with another poster on this board someone knocked on the door. (Sorry for breaking your eardrums fellow poster) It was a delivery of a beautiful bouquet of roses, water lilies, wild flowers and a music CD.

    Thoughts of who sent me flowers and why were spinning through my head. This poster, Nilfun sent me this beautiful arrangement of flowers and a CD of classical music. The card sent wishes of a speedy recovery.

    Not only have we never spoken in chat or exchanged pleasantries over the phone or through e-mail. I do not know this poster at all. But she sent these lovely things to me, a virtual stranger. Thank you so very much Nilfun, you are a very special lady.

    Twice now you have sent things to me that fit me to a tee, first my Christmas present. The CD of classical music named for one of my favorite artists Monet, which go alone with the water lilies and roses sent to me. Thank you so very much!!

    Nilfun lady, you are truly an angel. (((((((((( Nilfun )))))))))))))))

    Kindnesses are everywhere, but the kindness of a stranger giving purely for unselfish motives are truly amazing. Everyone on this board are truly grand and you all warm my heart.

    I cant say thank you enough to everyone here.

    Thank you all. (((((((((((((((( Hugs to the Board))))))))))))))))))



  • Brummie

    Hope everything is going well for you now cassie, nilfun is a perfect example of how a freind should be, no motives but just wanting to be encouraging and supportive unconditionaly. We learn a lot from that, and that only exsists outside of JWdom.


  • WildHorses

    ((((((((((((((Cassi)))))))))))))) Do you have anymore surgerys, or is that now in the past? If you are tired, please wait until rested to answer. I'm in no hurry. I've been sick over the past few days myself but nothing like you have been through. Take care of yourself and get better soon.


  • Dutchie

    Hi Cass,

    It's good to see you posting so soon after surgery. I hope that soon you will be back on your feet and feeling in top condition.

    Isn't the Secret Santa program fun? Scootergirl really had a good idea. You got lovely gifts and I am sure a lot of thought and love went into choosing just the right thing. (((NILFUN)))

    Get lots of rest and take all your medicine.

    Love, Dutchie

  • DakotaRed


    I hope you get feeling better and this finally gets behind you. Follow doctors orders and get plenty of rest. Put the kids to work waiting on you

    And, for those who haven't taken the time. Nilfun is amongst the sweetest of all the posters here. She is also a very talented artist too.

    Lew W

  • myself

    ((((Cassi)))) Glad to see you up and posting. Wondered how you were doing. Only one more to go, and you can continue to recover. Take care of yourself and don't over do it.


  • nilfun

    *smiles warmly at Cassiline*

    *smiles warmly at the board*



  • Brummie

    She is also a very talented artist too.

    Nilfun what do you do in the artist department?


  • plmkrzy

    awwww that is so sweet! What a kewl thing to donilfun .

    Cassie so glad to see you post. I hope you are not in too much discomfort, although I can't imagine how you wouldn't be with all you've been through.

    I hope you feel better and better each day.

    Hugs from plum and fam

  • nilfun
    Nilfun what do you do in the artist department?

    ...good question, Brummie...uh...not enough! ...but here's some stuff I did at :

    Dt.'s stuff

    and here's some more:

    Dolphintide's stuff

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