A Question To All You Women Out There

by SpannerintheWorks 51 Replies latest jw friends

  • SpannerintheWorks

    Your partner gets home from work, and he's in a shitty mood. He kicks the cat (twice) and the doors are hanging off their hinges.

    What would you do:

    1. Say: did you have a bad day at the office, dear?

    2. Can I get you some Valium?

    3. Think: It's his biorhythms!

    4. Ignore him


  • Mulan

    I'd go hug the cat, and soothe it. What a crummy thing to do.


    I wouldn't be with any man who KICKED my cat!!!!!!!!

    If he thinks he can kick my cat; he might get the idea that he can kick me AND that my dear would be a terrible assumption to make. JUST REMEMBER: He's gotta sleep sometime!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • SpannerintheWorks

    I didn't kick the cat, OK? He's fine and well!



    YOU said and I quote that he came in and kicked the cat (twice).

    Very glad to know that YOU wouldn't do such a thing!!! LOL

  • Francois

    Isn't this just like a woman? You obviously are trying to get to a point, and the women know it, however they don't want you to get to the point, and they don't want to deal with the point, so they are using a time-tested female diversionary tactic - change the subject.

    I suggest you abandon this thread because you're not going to get away with the kick the cat reference. You've shot yourself in the foot. I suggest you start another thread and think about it very carefully, think about how to get the point across that the guy obviously had a bad day and do so in a way that the women here can't possibly change the subject, redefine your premise for you, or in any way derail the point you're trying to make.

    Women are like that, yes they are.


  • cruzanheart

    Alright, I'll assume the cat thing is a rhetorical statement and move on. I would ask very gently what was wrong. When he says "nothing," I'd let it go for a while, make him comfy with the remote and a glass of wine and let him decompress for a while. Sometime after the kids' bedtime and before ours I'd ask again what is wrong and then not take "nothing" for an answer until I find out what the *&^)% is going on. So far that's worked pretty good for 19+ years.

    Mrs. Big Tex

  • xenawarrior

    Why of course Spanner- happy to help...

    First I'd hand him the beer and the newspaper and the television remote I have waiting for him every day; dressed in my most sluttish outfit of the week. The I'd get my toolbox out and fix the door. Along the way, I'd kick the cat (three times for pissing my man off) and go back into the kitchen where I belong and finish the gourmet meal I'm preparing for him. While dinner is cooking, I'd check in several times to see if his beer needs refreshing and I might massage his feet a little because he's had such a hard day. Then I'd serve him dinner and clean up the kitchen and present myself to him and ask "What kind of sex would you like tonight dear?"

    Yup, that's what I would do....


  • xenawarrior


    Women are like that, yes they are.

    boys are dumb.........

  • LyinEyes

    HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA XenaW,,,,,,,,,, that was puuuuuuuurrrrfect!!!!!!

    Like ,,,,,, yeah right!!!!!!!!!!

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