The Hunters

by alfie 0 Replies latest social humour

  • alfie

    Two men were avid moose hunters. Every year they chartered a plane to take them to the Canadian back >country. This year hunting was especially good and in a few days they each bagged a moose. They radioed for >their pilot to come pick them up. > >When the plane arrived, the pilot took one look at the animals and told the hunters they could not take such a >heavy load along. > >"But we spent all week hunting for these moose," they protested. "And besides, the pilot we hired last year >wasn't worried about the moose's weight." > >After much argument, the pilot finally relented and allowed them to load the moose. The heavy plane was only >airborne for a few minutes when it lost altitude and crashed into the side of a mountain. > >As the men struggled out of the wreckage, one hunter asked, "Where are we?" >

    >His friend answered, "About a mile farther than we got last year."


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