Statistics Comparison

by Surreptitious 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • jgnat

    Interesting numbers, battman. When I was first introduced to the WT technique of attracting new converts, I was struck by how incredibly ineffective it is. Face it, the door-to-door cold call technique is extremely difficult, and always has had a low rate of return. Evangelicals on the other hand have kept up with the times, and now their evangelism techniques range from multimedia events, current hip music, family friendly Sunday programming, to informal get togethers with plenty of food.

    It seems to me the WT techniques are deliberately poor at attracting new converts, and I bet they have remained relatively static since the society passed the 144,000 mark. The existence of "other sheep" is an embarrassment to their theology. How can one keep the purity and the martyr syndrome going, if one can let just anyone in to this exlusive club? It actually affirms their theology to have householders slam the door in their faces. Just putting another nail in the coffin to the end of time.

    Edited by - jgnat on 19 November 2002 21:45:23

    Edited by - jgnat on 19 November 2002 21:46:20

  • NameWithheld

    jgnat, that's probably true. I would not be surprised if brooklyn, at least until a few years ago, was quite happy with the low growth rate. And doubly happy with the fact that most JWs were 'home grown' (JW shildren) since that after all is 'free' JWs - they are brainwashed from birth.

    After all, the $$$ were flowing in, and there was no need to take on the task of trying to be #1, or even double in size. Complete iron fisted rulership of 6 million is better than loose control of 12 million. Now that the youth population is a) leaving, or b) braindead useless human waste (no education, no goals, no $$), and the $$$ are slowing down though I bet they are starting to feel a pinch. Hurt the bottom line? We will see progressive programs to convert new people. I.E. new TV spots already. This would have been unheard of in the mid 90's or earlier.

    They just have to roll them out slow so as to not wake up the current JWs from their deep slumber.

  • Fe2O3Girl

    The comments on how ineffective the door to door work actually is has set me thinking. When asked why JWs insist on harrassing people at home, I would always say "Because it works", but obviously it doesn't.

    Of course the assumption is that 1 hour reported is 1 hour spent preaching, and that probably is not the case. However, the fact still stands that doorstep recruitment is not working. So why do they keep on doing it?

    Habit? Bloodymindedness? Something unpleasant to prove how faithful they are? Do the GB make them carry on because they can?

  • NameWithheld
    Of course the assumption is that 1 hour reported is 1 hour spent preaching, and that probably is not the case. However, the fact still stands that doorstep recruitment is not working. So why do they keep on doing it?

    Because it give the ground troops a mindless task to concentrate on, a tangible effort that makes them feel good about themselves. Feeling guilty about something? Go in FS, maybe god will forgive. It gives the elders/WTBTS a method to control people via the hour requirements, and a method to judge people to keep them in control. Turn in less them stellar FS reports = weak spiritually, the death mark of a JW.

    Imagine if JWs didn't need to go door knocking. Since that would also negate the need for the Thurs (Service) meeting, they'd actaully have (gasp) time on their hands to think, enjoy life, further themselves, etc. All things the WTBTS does NOT want JWs doing.

  • justhuman

    It seems that time is running out for the Watchtower. The only increase they have is the 3 world countries and latin countries. Pour people with no knowledge of how cults are working, and no information for the internet. 2 weeks ago in the study of the WT Magazine it was again that internet, how danger it is and how witness should be aware of it!!!

    It seems that the Old Men in Brooklyn start to feel their ground that are standing upon it shaky. Their just banch of loosers and FALSE PROPHETS that have failed in everything. Instead of regreding for their sin's they just continue that fairy tail, that Jesus choosen their religion...

    At the last assembley in my country the attedance number was down. When I talk to some Witnesses they were feeling tired and even not trusting their leaders. Some they even claim that because of the Watchtower policy not to seek higher education they have problems to find a good job so that they can get enough money to raise their families. In fact one said Watchtower has F...ked us with this policy and know we find very hard without any diploma to get a discent job!!!

    This is what witnesses started to think about their leaders. Can you imagine what is the future for the WT 20 years for now. With no increase and numbers dicreasing in the Western World were the WT gets most of the contributions to support their system?

  • jwsons

    I wish if someone who created this clock can also add a columm as "How much money Watchtower Society earns in a second". It should be helpful to convert the JDubs.



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