My Second Job

by Windchaser 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • Windchaser

    Because of physical problems, I wasn't able to do the bartending job that I wanted to do. Instead I am working at a nearby gas station and I really like it! Okay, okay, I've screwed up more than a few times with the cash register and breaking shift, but I'm learning! haha

    It's graveyard and for about three hours we have no customers, so I am making Christmas presents. I am also studying to get my driver's licence again. I have a Cabriolet in my garage that is just begging me to get out on the road.

    Yesterday my new boss told me that (in spite of all the screw ups) she likes me very much and thinks that I should consider replacing her as manager when she retires. I got my first paycheck Friday and it's so great having extra money and not worrying about bills. I get paid pretty good considering I only work three nights a week.

    My day job is wonderful, but definitely dead end as far as making more money. Recently a position came up that would increase my earnings by $400 a month. I told my boss that I am going to go for it. She wanted to see the job description and discussed it with our main boss. She and he decided that I do everything that this higher position entails and they are going to see if they can reclassify my job! That would mean I could stay where I am, do the same things I do and get $400 more a month! Meanwhile, I am still applying for this better job within the college district. Things are looking up financially for me finally.

  • LB

    Glad to hear things are working out, hopefully it will only get better.

  • Windchaser

    ((((((LB)))))) I really miss coming here like I used to. Thanks for the good wishes.

  • Aztec

    Wow! Good luck! Sounds like things are looking good! Hope you are enjoying yourself


  • ugg

    hi wind!!!!! good for you...glad things are looking up,,,,nothing worse than being short of money...major bummer....hope things continue getting better,,,,ENJOY IT!!!!! a little extra money makes a person feel alive....

  • Prisca

    Good for you Windy. It's always good to hear of things going well for people.

  • Windchaser

    Thanks, Aztec, ugg and Prisca! Yep, having extra cash is a big load of my mind for sure. Prisca, does the red m&m like women with money? haha

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