The Watchtower Plot Against Us

by Sirona 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • rocky220

    Sirona, WT are the professional spin doctors, and masters at psychological warfare, as long as they keep their little followers believing what they say, and as long as cover-ups, twists and turns of the truth are consistant, they can fudge the number of members, yes even their earnings. But remember, only God is eternal, nothing man made is forever, that is, what is founded in a lie. Who knows we just might be pleasantly surprised someday, in WT's own words...."SOON".


  • Sirona

    Hi, thanks for your comments.

    The only reason I don't want to be "discovered" is that I don't want to be DF for the sake of my family and one JW friend who would have to shun me. If they were not in the equation, I would have DA'd myself before now.

    Its recently become a real burden hiding my current beliefs from those close to me, but it has to be done for the time being.

    I suppose you are right, the JWs probably cant be bothered trying to decipher who we are on this board, but I'd hate to suddenly be confronted with elders who had printouts of my comments on here! eek.


  • Francois

    I think there's no doubt that this site is monitored. And if the Borg could identify anyone posting here who is "anonymous" they would DF them in a heartbeat, IMHO.

    Of course, some of us don't give a fat rat's ass if they know who we are. But we can understand the need to stay in for the sake of our family and friends. Painful but true. You have my sympathy. I lived a double life for years. And no doubt there are hundreds of thousands of JWs who are living double lives.

    What does it say about the WTBTS that they prefer to have members who are living a double life than to have genuine members? They've got to know what kind of membership their policies generate. And they don't care.

  • SpannerintheWorks


    I notice that your e-mail is open. I don't know if it is possible to trace someone's ID from an e-mail address, but if a Witness or a member of your family has your e-mail address, couldn't they put two and two together?

    Just a thought.


  • twinkletoes


    Perhaps we could ask them (in a surprised voice) "surely brother you don't look at those apostate sites do you". ! Anyway, what about the two witnesses rule that they are so fond of ?


  • Dia


    "Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean that they're not really out to get you"


  • neyank

    "Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean that they're not really out to get you"

    I'm sure they would love to df every JW that posts here.

    There were threads stating that the WTS wants to start contacting the inactive JWs to see where they stand and try to get them to go to the meetings.

    I think this will be a way for the WTS to corner inactive ones into admiting how they feel about the WTS and then df them if they don't agree to tow the party line.

    They are already starting to shun those that don't go to the meetings.

    So if you don't want to be put on the spot by these people, don't reveal how you truly feel about the WTS.

    Actually, it's better not to even meet with these people.

    Remember. The only power they have is the power you give them.


  • Simon

    Just use theocratic warfare and lie ... "No brother ... I don't even know what the Internet is"

    Seriously, I don't think there is any organised plot to uncover people but there are some local zealot elders and others who take it on themselves to try and make trouble if they recognise people.

    I know of at least one elder who is very keen to make trouble for people having doubts but who visits 'apostate' sites and even has some CD's etc... from Freeminds !

    Can you spell 'hypocrite' ?

    This is the sort of damning evidence that shows they do know the real truth but enjoy the positions they are in and want to maintain their power. Once you make it clear you are not afraid of them then their 'power' evaporates.

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