The Watchtower's 'Faith Without Works' Scam

by metatron 16 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • TR

    I would really appreciate an honest reply to metatron's post from a sincere JW. I really would.


  • Big Tex
    Big Tex
    sincere JW

    Now there's a vanishing breed.

  • avishai

    Yeah, right after my dad died,we sold our house to an lds lady, a single mom of three. Well, my mom was very sick, so & I couldnt do it all myself being 15, so we asked people in the cong., but they said they had to go out in service as it was a saturday. You know who helped us move? You guessed it, the mormons. They moved us out til we were TOTALLY moved & settled in our new place, only then moving the other lady in. Talk about a good witness.

  • blondie

    TR, just wondering if a person were a sincere JW, would they be posting here?

    I agree with Metatron. That is why I am here and not considered a sincere JW. I am a sincere person though, at least I try.

    Blondie (who has never espoused the company line)

  • gumby


    I still think their ministry is truly awesome. ( the mormons )

    So you think a people that goes around recruiting people into their church that teaches lies is awesome eh? Are the witnesses awesome too? A religion founded on a young lunitic that lied to people. Your idea of awesome sucks pal.

  • Pleasuredome


    thanks for that good example of how hard hearted JWs can be, it reminds me of how the Jewish priests twisted the law of the sabbath.

    whats more important, doing good for others or knocking on doors selling magazines? there's a time and a place for everything.

  • dsgal


    Your story reminds me of how it was when my dad died.He wasn't baptized but he had studied with several of the elders in our congregation.My mother and I were baptized but who do you think brought food to the house and came to pay respects at the viewing?The Baptists from my brother's church.Even his preacher was there and he had never met my dad.It was a sad commentary on the witnesses and humanity.

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