The "faked email" excuse for stupidity

by Simon 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • Simon

    I've seen people claim on the web that emails aparently from them have been faked.

    Yes, sounds reasonable. In fact, I've had emails faked to look like they are from me and we've recently seen one made to look like it was from silentlambs.

    However, as with any claims on any subject, there will be those who make the claims for other reasons. While some people will have been spoofed there will always be a few who haven't and just see it as a convenient explanation or 'get out clause' to dismiss some poor behaviour on their part, usually after they have been found out.

    I've even seen cases where people claim that emails from them are faked or the result of a virus but contain replies to emails sent to them or even comments about telephone calls with them !

    Do people really believe that their desktop computer, never-mind a little virus, is that powerful?! If it were true then they should pack the whole thing up and sent it to some MIT research institute where the new found miracle of machine intelligence can be examined. Fancy ... after all the efforts by clever researchers, a virus beats the turing test

    Just remember - if I ever post anything bad about anyone ... it wasn't me, it was the virus.

  • Farkel


    : I've seen people claim on the web that emails aparently from them have been faked.

    I can spoof an e-mail. Easily. I can send an email to you that looks like it came from you, or from George Bush or Sadaam Hussein. Spoofing the "from" part of the e-mail is easy. In fact it is so easy, a child could do it.

    The problem is, when someone responds to a spoofed e-mail that belongs to a legitimate e-mail address, it will go to the person who actually has that address, not to the spoofer.


  • Vivamus
    I've even seen cases where people claim that emails from them are faked or the result of a virus but contain replies to emails sent to them or even comments about telephone calls with them !

    I've had a case like this! Friends of me received emails with a part of a travelingjournal that was on my harddrive. Honest to god, I did not send these but the virus W32.Yaha did. Honeslty

    Just making my nonsensical contribution to the board

  • Simon

    Yes, a few emails attach documents from your hard drive.

    None that I know of ever answer emails sent to you intelligently though or comment on non-email related conversations (such as telephone or IM)

  • minimus

    See, the Society is right again!!!

  • maximumflash

    LOL @ Simon's Comments

    P.S. The phone thing is true. I know someone that it happens to constantly.

    Edited by - maximumflash on 13 November 2002 8:33:33

  • searcher

    I shall have a T-Shirt printed.



  • Cassiline

    LOL Searcher!!!!


    Your entire post gives me the sense of Deja Vous.

    Will soon shed "new light" onto matters.

    Edited by - Cassiline on 13 November 2002 11:10:27

  • Cassiline

    PS, How do I stop the little box from showing on my gif pictures?


    You spoke of a signature that can be added to outlook express mail that will show if you did indeed send the e-mail or not. How does one do that?

  • Angharad

    To get rid of the box click on the insert pic from web button put URL of pic there and put a 0 in the boarder thickness.

    If that dont work blame it on the virus

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