Gone for good?

by JH 42 Replies latest jw friends

  • Francois

    I don't care if an airliner a day crashes into a building.

    I don't care if a new volcano erupts every day.

    I don't care if earthquakes begin to happen every 24 hours.

    I don't care if the crime rates increase a hundred percent a week.

    And even with a lobotomy - NOTHING would make me go back to the JWs. NOTHING. Just as I would not return to my own vomit, I would not return to the JWs.

    Even if they are proven right, I'd rather be dead than live in the system they predict, after all THEY'D be there too.

  • borgfree

    Maybe!! When this happens.

    Edited by - Borgfree on 13 November 2002 0:48:53

  • Jesus Christ
    Jesus Christ

    A serious head injury that also made me think that cheese grows on trees out in my backyard.

  • Matty

    I will stay a Witness only if Jennifer Lopez comes back into the troof and then proposes to me. Other than that, no way jose.

  • Mulan

    Nothing less than a public apology for the unfounded gossip about us. That will never happen, so I have nothing to worry about.

    I told my mother that if there were to be a public apology given from the platform at the KH, I might consider going to a wedding, a funeral, or a talk of some sort. To go back as an active JW? NEVER!!!

  • Black Man
    Black Man

    For me:

    Some type of financial reparations for all the years spent pioneering, bethel service, indentured servantship, loss of time that could have been spent getting a degree and living decently in the real world.

    A strictly enforced NO PROPHESY rule on scriptures.

    Change blood and disfellowshipment issues to conscience matters.

  • teejay

    Personally, I'd have to have a couple of long talks with a god that spoke out of the blue. You know... like he supposedly did with those Hebrew dudes. I'd hafta be able to ask him some point blank questions... questions like: What the f**k are you waitin' on, dude? like Abraham did.

    I figure if I could do that and get some straight up satisfactory answers, I might think about it. It also might help if he could do the genie thing and make my bank account magically grow by 1,000 Large. To god, that would be a mil. Make it ten and I'd really get to thinking...

    Yeah... if I could get those two things, the Dubs just might have me. I *still* ain't goin' out in service, though. And my Sunday afternoons are all mine.

  • Jesus Christ
    Jesus Christ

    Ok, whoever put the sounds on this thread is getting smited with a third nipple on their forehead for that. Sorry, but I don't want to wait for a long download just so I can be annoyed. I've said it once, I'll say it a million times, anyone who adds sounds to their post deserves a slow and painful death.

  • teejay

    Jesus H Christ, Jesus Christ!!

    You mean you don't knowwwwww who did it? What kind of son of god *are* you? Jesus!!

  • CBeMe

    I grew up in the troof but was never baptised. I will never go back, I don't care what they or the almighty says or does! I am still trying to recover from all the damage the time I spent involed with the organization has caused me.


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