Time to tighten up our communications?

by Simon 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • IslandWoman


    I believe it might also be a good time for the Silentlambs Org. to consider using others in addition to Bill Bowen to represent them. In other words perhaps there should be a small group who are also recognized by the media as leaders and spokesmen for Silentlambs. Then if, because of "time and unforseen circumstance", Bill Bowen becomes unable to lead there would be no interruption of the Silentlambs Org.

    Just a thought.


  • Beck_Melbourne

    I'm not in the know enough to comment on authenticating an online document or email, but I do think something needs to be done to avoid the corruption and the abuse out there.

    Simon, I have received hate mail in the past from a sender using your administration addy...and I know that others have also. I am also alarmed at the fake identities and how some are being accused of being the source simply because it suits those making the accusations. With all this corruption, protection of identities, especially offical identities, would be appropriate. I hope something can be worked out.


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