losing the shadow of Jehovah.

by sleepy 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • Sara Annie
    Sara Annie

    A thought or two on prayer...

    I think that what trips so many people up in their prayer life is that they hold a somewhat rigid definition of just what constitutes a prayer or the act of praying

    I remember a time in my life that I was fairly certain that there was no God, that while my lips were forming the familiar words of praise, my mind was reciting a very different refrain: I dont even believe in you, why am I saying these things? Are you even there? Am I just talking to myself? Do you even exist? Why dont you ever answer if youre actually there? Occasionally the internal dialogue would become even more intense and dissolve into anger: I hate this. I hate you. I cant believe Im spending my time talking to the great imaginary friend of mankind To hell with this, to hell with YOU, Youre a waste of my time.

    I confided my doubts to a friend one afternoon. How was prayer something I could continue to participate in if, in my heart, I was anything but prayerful? He told me that, at times, his oldest son would get angry at him and resentful of decisions hed made during the course of parenting. Often, the boy would refuse to speak to him at all. Other times his son would lash out angrily at him verbally. He said that, though neither situation was particularly enjoyable, he much preferred the latter, because even though his child was furious with him, at least he was still talking to him. That story made me realize that even at my angriest, my most resentful dialogue was still a prayer. It was still communicating with God, still speaking to him. In my mind, I began to associate prayer with conversation with God. I decided that my prayer life would change. I would tell God what I was actually feeling, and when I didnt know what I wanted to say, I realized that sometimes the desire to pray is in itself a prayer. My thoughts and feelings during prayer werent distracting God from the needs and desires of others. This is GOD were talking about, not AT&T. You cant jam his lines.

    I still doubt, I still get angry sometimes, I still wonder at times if Hes listening. The difference is that Ive decided its OK to think these things, but instead of holding them close and never speaking them aloud, I give them to God as part of the conversation. I used to believe he didnt ever answer my prayers. Now I believe he always did. He just didnt always say yes.

  • acsot

    This is amazing but I felt exactly the same thing last night. And I when I started to pray (on automatic pilot) I got pissed off and basically said, whoever's out there why do you make it so hard on us? if people are sincerely wanting to know you, why do you hide? And my conclusion was that now I feel sort of adrift, I want to believe and pray but it doesn't seem as though anyone or anything is out there listening.

  • Dizzy Cat
    Dizzy Cat

    Ahh I see - the fade out.

    Stop doing the talks though. Pointless unless you mean 100% what you are saying. Just say you are having panic attacks and sleepless nights about having to do them. Always worked for me. Never did a single talk

  • Shakita

    Wow, so many of my own thoughts are expressed here by you all. After such a horrible last year for me, both parents died, 9/11, and losing my connection with the JW's, I was sincerely doubting the existence of God. My doubt turned to anger. Now that time has passed a little, I have come to a place where I am waiting on God to show himself to be relevant in people's lives. The world sure could use a good dose of a loving and caring God being proactive in his children's lives right now. If not now, when?

    Mrs. Shakita

  • Tashawaa

    Sleepy... I don't believe in God either. At times though, I've found myself praying. Its something I've done since I was a small child, before falling asleep, and carried through most of my life.

    At first I was mad, or "caught" myself... then felt stupid, because I don't believe a God is there to listen.

    Then I figured, the odd times when I feel a "need" to pray, I may as well. It can't hurt. I don't offer it through anyone's name (Jesus) or direct it to anyone in particular (Jehovah), but I "pray" about my feelings, thoughts, etc. Its not often. I think its healthy, like a form of meditation, and emotionally it makes me feel better... even just to verbalize what I need to at the time. Its like "gathering my thoughts".

    I don't believe they are heard, or I'm directed in my life, or my problems will be "helped". I do believe it relieves my stress, and since its so ingrained in me, I can keep and modify this form of "superstition" to fill my needs.

  • czarofmischief

    I agree that the Jehovah concept is primitive. But does that make it less valuable? I think that we are in danger of civilizing ourselves out of existence. We don't even kill murderers, rapists, and child molesters anymore - even though those immensely satisfying concepts are what Jehovah commanded.

    I like Jehovah. I like talking to him.


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