Does anyone know.....

by hannibal 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • hannibal

    how the Jw's explain Heb. 11?

    Being that anyone who died before christ would not have a heavenly hope,

    only a earthly hope, according to them. How does this jive with Heb. 11, espesially

    vs. 16?Does not this verse alone disprove the 144,000 as literal. How do they explain this


  • yucca

    every time i found anything in bible that didnt agree with them it was symbolic. the 144,00 are jews that are going to prophesied during tribulation time of 7 yrs. there will be people saved during that time. hebrews is a wonderful book to read. in first chapter it proves michael is not jesus. wt twists scriptures to make it agree with what they teach. thats why i left back in 70s. got tired of their bs. yucca

  • not interested
    not interested

    hey Hannible,

    arent you suppposed to be out drinkng at the bar or somthing?

  • emancipated

    Hell! I think they just say it is heaven on earth.

    Hey Hannibal did you get your email fixed yet so i can send you an email?

  • emancipated

    Not interested has a good idea. Lets all go have a couple of drinks.

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