The Watchtower - Hustling Pocket Change

by metatron 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • scumrat

    Hey NameWitheld, Do they have ATMs at Assembly Halls? If so, which ones??

  • metatron

    The parking scam is history. They got caught in Calif and had to drop it.
    (Tacoma Park)


  • ignored_one


    Can you fill me in on the paying for free parking?

    What happened?

    Ignored One

  • CornerStone

    None of what this corrupt organization does surprises me anylonger.

    Remember, these rat bastards teach that they live in a sort of theocracy, so EVERY aspect of their followers lives is subject to THEIR interpretation and whim.

    Sex, money, family, eternal destination, all theirs to control from their followers.

    Since all this is true, telling you where to buy your lunch from is a very little thing to them.


  • VM44

    Hi ignored_one, Here is a link to the Tacoma Dome parking scam: --VM44

  • heathen

    It wouldn't surprise me if the intent isn't to have a second phone line somewhere so they can listen in on private conversation.It also wouldn't surprise me if the food and parking crap has to do with avoiding taxation.They really are pitiful.


    I know that this subject has been raised before - but how do they show this income on their yearly accounts submitted to the Charity Boards? Are they not making a profit rather than accepting donations !

  • Mum

    I think I've found a retirement career -- putting up a cart with cheap food and drinks outside JW assemblies! It is such a financial struggle for many JW families to make it to those assemblies that if I had the means I might consider passing out free food outside the convention stadium, or using a contribution/what the buyer can afford system.

    Let the JW's give me a "good witness" by finding a scripture that says buying food for their families or accepting food at a reduced cost is "unscriptural."

  • Trauma_Hound
    and they have been known to physically push people away from the machines if they see them about to put money in them. --VM44

    Neato, that's assault in my state. Would love to have had one of them do that. Oh I'm sorry mister officer, but I had to defend myself against this jack ass.

    And the parking fiasco, happened in Tacoma, Washington, not California. At the Tacoma Dome to be exact.

  • Eric

    BeelzeDub, or others,

    If they have decided not to have any food service whatsoever any more, what is their reasoning in the talks before the assembly counselling you as to where you get your grub?

    I've been out for so long that I can't even begin to figure this one out.

    I recall when the elaborate cafeteria arrangments were touted as such a wonderful avenue for fellowship, (they were) and a great witness to worldly observers who were so impressed with our ordlerly efficiency.

    Are you now supposed to all sit around and gag down your stale room temperature brown-baggers with big "Happiest-People-On-The-Earth" smiles on your faces? From where I sit it sounds like worldly people having a bit of "tailgate BBQ" before a football game are enjoying more fellowship than an assembly of JW's.

    I get the whole tax thing, and I can almost buy the argument that food prep took a lot of brothers and sisters out of their seats for parts of the program. (Heck, that was the whole point of volunteering.) If I were still dragging along with this sad arrangment, I'd be having Domino's deliver me a nice stack of piping hot pies timed to arrive at the end of morning session!


    Edited by - Eric on 11 November 2002 16:8:53

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