Do you feel alienated from your JW family?

by dins 15 Replies latest jw experiences

  • NameWithheld

    Absolutely. While I'm lucky in the fact that so far we have not been subjected to too much questioning (I think they want to avoid having to make the decision to shun us - so they avoid hot topic issues), the sad fact remains that we have so little in common. Our outlook on life couldn't be more opposite. It's frustrating to hear about all the JW happenings like they are the greatest thing since sliced bread - so and so's pioneering, they're going to such and such hall build, the last talk, etc, etc. What can you do but shake your head and say "That's nice", thinking to yourself the entire time "What a waste of time".

    It frustrating that every item of news, happenings, etc is yet another chance to reminise on 'how bad the world is', how 'it's so good armageddon is so close'. I could puke. So you end up with NOTHING to talk about because you don't want to trigger another one of those talks. But don't you dare take an opposing viewpoint that things really aren't as bad as they think they are ... that never flies!

    And then you see the wasted lives of the kids - being taught that their non-JW grandparents, uncles and aunts are armageddon fodder, and all the typical JW things, no education, no plans for future, etc. So here they are ready to enter the world and have no chance to do anything but drift from one low paying job to another, always looking for that 'next best thing'.

  • metatron

    The sad thing about all this shunning is that most Witnesses are no prize to associate
    with anyway. You start to wonder why you bother with such dysfunctional people.

    How many Witnesses do you know with a REAL hobby? or any activity that involves a depth
    of creative input? How many have any real knowledge of world affairs, new scientific
    breakthroughs, music, or art? How many Witnesses are anything more than empty drones or
    willingly ignorant zombies?

    How many seem to have endless strange ailments no doctor can cure or even objectively
    identify? How many have undiagnosed borderline mental illness? How many have obsessive
    compulsive disorders? How many have unhappy marriages, always on the verge of falling
    apart? How many have households held together by little more than physical force?
    ( "You're GOING TO THE MEETING, NOW!").

    add your own observations
    Why do we bother?


  • dins

    Thank you to everyone who read this post and gave me advice. I never realised how many of us actually feel the same way, but after thinking about it and reading the posts I have decided to make a few changes for my sake and my son's sake...thank you all. Your're all ace!

  • JT


  • JT
    The sad thing about all this shunning is that most Witnesses are no prize to associate
    with anyway. You start to wonder why you bother with such dysfunctional people.

    How many Witnesses do you know with a REAL hobby? or any activity that involves a depth
    of creative input? How many have any real knowledge of world affairs, new scientific
    breakthroughs, music, or art? How many Witnesses are anything more than empty drones or
    willingly ignorant zombies?

    How many seem to have endless strange ailments no doctor can cure or even objectively
    identify? How many have undiagnosed borderline mental illness? How many have obsessive
    compulsive disorders? How many have unhappy marriages, always on the verge of falling
    apart? How many have households held together by little more than physical force?
    ( "You're GOING TO THE MEETING, NOW!").

    add your own observations
    Why do we bother?


  • Carmel


    Sorry if this is off topic, but was your maiden name Hansen?

    carmel who wonders if you were a blast from the past........

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