I did something very rewarding today....

by Marilyn 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • kelpie

    Good Work Sister!

    I will be sure that the CO is aware of your fine Christian work you are doing. You will be surely blessed

  • DannyBear


    I would pay to attend such a seminar. If you included Beck, Prisca, and Lee, it could be a receipe for a real show stopper.

    Lee could regale them with 'outback' style musing's of 'bicycle riding for Jehover'. Teaching application of Taoist principles in recovering from cult mind warping.

    Beck could emcee the show.........choosing certain members of the audience to 'tell thier stories'...while making sure everyone ponyed up when the collection plate was passed.

    Prisca could handel any of the heckler's that may get out of hand.

    Leaving you 'with honest face' to convince the throng, JW's are bloody bugger's.

    What a show!


  • Beck_Melbourne


    'with honest face' = Marilyn

    'stands with fist' = Prisca

    'chief kick-em-in-the-butt horse' = Lee aka UB

    'dances with Visa machine' = Moi


  • DannyBear

    "dances with visa machine".............your to funny Beck!

    "stands with a fist"............my favorite indian moniker line from 'Wolves'....no doubt Prisca could handel the job.

    "chief kick-em-in-the-butt-horse"......have received many a DunnyBear, BearAssbutt kick from Uncle and loved every single one.

    "with honest face"........Marilyn is one classy squaw, both Dave's seem to have made very clear.

    In other words I really like your smoke signals.

    DannyBearAss standing with a cheer.

  • david_10

    Way to go, Marilyn. BTW, we haven't heard from you in a while and were starting to get worried about you. Good to have a post from you and know that you're OK .


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