Disfellowshiping: "a very loving arrangeme...

by Gerard 5 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Gerard
  • LB

    Now, why is that loving? Because the rest of the congregation knows that they are among clean worshipers of Jehovah. They are protected against serious, wrong violators of Bible principles. The shunning has also impressed, upon the one who refuses, the need to come back to the loving congregation. It may help him come back to his senses.

    Yep, that's loving all right. Come back to your senses or leave your senses behind?

  • NeonMadman

    Either the reporter who conducted this interview was deliberately giving the JW's a pass, or he wasn't very familiar with the issues. The JW spokesman outright lied in this document, and it was published without comment:

    We've never claimed to be infallible, inspired or perfect as an organization. And so it's a fact that with increased knowledge, as we increase our study of the Bible and come to a better understanding, that from time to time we will make adjustments. We humbly do that.

    No, they make a great point of stating that they are not inspired or infallible, all the while claiming a degree of authority appropriate only to one who is inspired or infallible. They make adjustments when it suits them, and they defintely don't do it "humbly" - they disfellowship anyone who doesn't go along with the adjustment.

    And perhaps in our enthusiasm, we spoke of the possibility that it could come in a particular time period. But we never gave an exact date. We teach what Jesus spoke: ``No man knows the day or the hour.''

    Liar, liar, pants on fire. This guy certainly knows that the WT did predict specific dates on many occasions, 1914, 1918, 1925 and 1975 at the least.

    Any time a woman is sexually assaulted, we view it as a horrible crime. And we are there -- the elders, the congregation -- to support that person. We handle it with the utmost compassion.

    Unless, of course, she didn't scream - then she gets "raped" all over again.

    [Disfellowshipping] involves someone who has committed a serious spiritual violation, such as adultery or stealing;

    Funny how they never mention in these statements for the public that it also involves disagreeing with any statement that the organization makes. Or simply leaving the organization voluntarily.

  • outoftheorg


    My df'n was the most hateful display of arrogance and hate I have ever seen. It was even worse at the appeal. One of the jerks held up the "secret elders manual" and SCREAMED You think we do not have the right to do this? This is where we get our right to df you. Some sat slumped in their chairs showing how they discounted the whole appeal effort

    It was most unloving and showed no inclination to seek justice. Just get rid of him any way we can thinking. Their actions were decided long before they met.

    Wow this brings up a lot of anger.


  • Tashawaa

    I was DF'd for associating with my DA sister. She lived with me before her DA, and continued afterwards. The elders wanted her to move out. I said no. I was DF'd. Hmmmm, guess we all can't pick our own association. Plus... the 1981 Watchtower they used, as the basis with the Aug 02 KM, for DF'ing me, refered to the christian NOT RELATED or living with the DA/DF'd person.

    Bunch of bullshitters anyway. I didn't cry or lose sleep over it.

    Oh, I feel very loved now that I'm outta there. I work with a couple of active witnesses and they make me feel loved everyday

    Why doesn't this brother say the "TRUTH"... its a way of manipulating, controlling and putting fear into the members?!?!?

  • metatron

    Please inform ALL MEDIA that report this kind of propaganda that Jehovah's Witnesses
    are not allowed to publically disagree with the Watchtower Society or make any critical
    comments about the organization. Jehovah's Witnesses have been specifically told not
    to cooperate in any studies or surveys that might expose internal problems in the

    As such, nothing claimed by Jehovah's Witnesses, speaking to the public, should be
    regarded as the complete truth. They are coerced to speak positively about the religion
    or face excommunication (disfellowshipping) for doing otherwise.


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