by D8TA 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • D8TA

    Ah olde post of six hundred and sixty six, and my last here on this board.

    First a few things outta the way:

    ComF: "not in the ball park". Idiom used to define a playing field within the political or pop-debate spectrum. This idiom isn't "officially" listed in any popular resource for such definitions. Re-read my post, you'll catch what I'm saying sooner or later.


    Your post was crude, insulting, insensitive and greatly uninformed..

    Yes...and please tell me, when have I not been "crude, insulting, insensitive". "Greatly uniformed"....oh, as to be informed by your Judeo-Christian point of view? Strike! I'm very informed of that. Walked in those shoes before, and traded them in for something new.

    Besides...isn't that a rather "hateful" thing to say?

    Aaaaah...."perception". Are we learning yet? Someday you'll get it.


    D8TA's Farewell Post

    Perception. It's what it's all about isn't it? This existence in which we call life?

    Many people erect prisons for themselves. Towering stone walls within the society in which they live. They do it without even realizing it. Great fortresses of rock: Career, Political Idealism, Family, Marriage, Education, Pleasure...list goes on. It's natural. No "right or wrong" about it. No "good or bad" reasoning.

    It's in our nature to find routine, and seek a life of comfort within it.

    We humans always had this instinctive nature to gather in numbers for protection. Sure it started out against survival against the natural elements early in our history, then evolved in to gathering in to social structures of common ideals.

    Where are we at now? Killing each other for survival over various points of view in social values. Religion, politics, customs, traditions, you name's most likely on the list.

    Hard fact to face, that's what we are. There is no utopian solution. There will always be conflicts of interests. Survival of the fittest on many levels.

    Save your "Jesus Saves" answers, as it will prove my point on what I'm saying here. Because when you post it, I'll say: "So does Allah, Shiva, Gwado the Monkey Lord, etc. etc."

    Same thing for the WTBTS and it's 6 million members, same for our relatives who are within. There are going to be people in this world, who need to gather within these types of walls.

    I see the issues, relavent as they may be, that people bring up about the WTBTS...but ya know what, they are the same as another social group. Let the baby have it's bottle.

    Find the joy in the freedom in which you've found.

    Existence. There is a point I've reached. My existence. There is no one on this planet who will ever experience MY existence...only me. It's mine, and I can view the world as the way I want to. No person, group, organization, corporation, and/or government can take that away...they cant even touch it. It's mine.

    Just like you have yours. Like they have theirs.

    Where am I going in my existence? Just going to do what I want to do, what I have been doing. Globe trotting, exploring, bringing a few smiles to those who have no reason to smile.

    I have one month left before my return to Brazil. After a few years there, it'll probablly be time to move on to another spot. I never really like staying in place that long, or with people that long. I just kinda come in like a breeze, a wind, touch for few seconds...and I'm out your window.

    I hope I provoked a few things while here. Hoped I provoked; happiness, anger, love, hate, courage, fear.....

    That's what makes us feel alive isn't it? Emotions. Set us apart with species who have limited use of emotion with their reasoning.

    I don't want to waste my existence with any one pursuit, in any one place, in any one country, in any one set of social idealisms. It's to big of a world! I like getting out there, even if people have walked the footsteps before, it's still a new frontier for me. Besides, I'll be seeing it with multiple points of view....those who walked before me, and then my own.

    Life's to short. I'm free...and I'm greatful for that freedom. There are certain freedoms in this world that can be only self attained, and not granted. Especially the freedom from a prison instituted by one's own mind. No matter what reasoning, argument, and/or logic in which you provide...there is an individual sense of freedom that people will desire, in order for them to break free from some prisons.

    But, like I said...most people need that comfort. Perhaps, that's where they should stay.

    Well, I'm leaving now....

    Au revoir.

    * puts magic ring on and turns invisible *

  • kelpie

    Sorry to see you go. I am only new here so need to know a few people

  • StinkyPantz

    Sorry to see you go hun!

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    Arrependido saem de. Gozei seus postes. Tenha um grande tempo em Brasil!

  • DakotaRed

    D8TA, sorry to see you leave, but can understand too. I want you to know it was a pleasure meeting you this past summer at the apostafest.

    Drop in occassionally and say hi if you can.

    Enjoy your travels through life and I hope all goes well for you.

    Lew W

  • Farkel


    That was a most EXCELLENT swan song. May you and yours find peace, fulfillment, growth and much happiness in your lives!

    I wish you the very best in your path and trust you will do your very best to find it.


  • CoolBreeze

    Dude that was better than a Viking funeral. I envy you your freedom. Once my kids are grown I may follow a similar path. So ... adios muchaho. I wish you well in your travels, and may a CoolBreeze bring comfort to your brow when the sun becomes unbarable.


  • xenawarrior

    ((((((((((((((((((D8TA)))))))))))))))))- one last time

    Enjoy your travels! I have enjoyed your company while you were here. I hope your future finds much happiness coming your way!!!


  • Satanus

    Great farewell speach! I'm glad that you have found the way to freedom.

    We humans always had this instinctive nature to gather in numbers for protection.

    It's the monkey bodies that we have.

    I enjoyed your posts. It was good to be posting along side you, at times. May the golden light always be focused on you and wherever you are.


  • Angharad

    All the best for whatever you do / wherever you go D8TA ... thanks for all you've contributed to the forum.

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