Are your sheep gay?

by crownboy 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • crownboy

    Will god kill the gay sheep as well, christains?

    Gay Sheep May Help Explain Biology of Homosexuals Mon Nov 4, 1:43 PM ET

    By Maggie Fox, Health and Science Correspondent

    WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Gay sheep that mate only with other rams have different brain structures from "straight" sheep, a finding that may shed light on human sexuality, U.S. researchers said on Monday.

    AP Photo

    The differences are similar to those seen in some homosexual humans, but probably only go a small way to explaining the causes of different sexual preferences, the team at Oregon Health & Science University said.

    "We are not trying to explain human sexuality by this study," Charles Roselli, a professor of physiology and pharmacology who led the study, said in a telephone interview. "Whether this is a big component of what contributes in humans, that's still debatable."

    Working with a team at the U.S. Department of Agriculture ( news - web sites )'s Sheep Experiment Station in Dubois, Idaho, Roselli's team studied 27 sheep -- 10 ewes, nine rams that mated only with other rams and eight rams that mated only with females.

    The "gay" sheep are strongly homosexual, Roselli said.

    "They don't pair-bond," he said. "But they are exclusive. They don't court or mate with females. They only court and mate with males."

    First the scientists watched the sheep to be sure of their behavior -- something that cannot be done with humans. Then they took apart their brains.

    "There had been reports in humans that a certain area of the hypothalamus, the preoptic area ... was usually larger in males than females," Roselli said. This area was also found to be larger in heterosexual humans than in homosexual men.

    But the researchers had used the brains of men who had died of AIDS ( news - web sites) in their study, which meant the disease or drugs used to treat it could have had an effect on the brain.

    "With an animal model you can be more selective and do more controlled studies," Roselli said.

    The sheep had similar differences in their brains, the researchers told a meeting in Orlando, Florida, of the Society for Neuroscience.

    "In a sense we confirmed what been found in humans," Roselli said.

    The brain cells in this area also made greater amounts of an enzyme called aromatase in the heterosexual rams. Aromatase is involved in the action of testosterone, the so-called male hormone.

    This does not mean the gay rams had less testosterone in their brains, Roselli stressed. "It is not necessarily the activational effect of the hormone," he said. Other types of neurons are probably active -- they just have not found them yet.

    No differences in testosterone relating to sexuality have been found either in the sheep or in humans, he said.

    "It's not that gay men have lower levels of testosterone," he said. "And it's not the case with these sheep."

    Roselli believes that exposure to hormones while still in the mother's womb may affect the brain and cause differences in sexual preference, and more experiments will aim to show whether this is true.

  • PopeOfEruke

    This news does NOT want to get out in New'll cause a frenzy!


  • SixofNine

    First the scientists watched the sheep to be sure of their behavior -- something that cannot be done with humans. Then they took apart their brains


    Edited by - SixofNine on 4 November 2002 19:54:4

  • minimus

    HEY!!! Is that the other sheep, not of this fold???

  • Pete2

    ... and don't forget about those lesbian seagulls!


  • PopeOfEruke

    This must mean the sheep are imperfect, because obviously Jehovah could not create homosexual perfect animals. Therefore the sheep must have somehow been passed imperfect genes way back in the Garden of Eden. How could that happen? Who back then was capable of passing on imperfect seed to ALL his offspring?

    Adam, you sick bastard!


  • bigboi
    HEY!!! Is that the other sheep, not of this fold???


  • Swan

    When I was growing up we raised goats. Mom's best friend was a sister a few miles away who, along with her unbelieving husband, also raised goats. They bought three kids that they called Peter, Paul, and Mary. Well guess what? Paul turned out to be a Paula. Paula was a hermaphrodite, and once she got older, it was determined she was more female than male. As I grew up I observed more barnyard diversity in our chickens. Our own goats even exhibited lesbian behaviors. Eventually I realized that this was just nature.


  • PopeOfEruke

    During the study it was found that the eight heterosexual rams would herd together and torment the homosexual rams confirming the evidence that poofter bashing was a natural phenomenom. In their defense the limp hooved rams would try to bitch slap the heterosexual rams and cry wee, wee, wee all the way home!! The gay rams were found to grow handle bar moustaches and wear leather caps, listening to Freddy Mercury and George Michael all day.

    Edited by - popeoferuke on 5 November 2002 0:54:50

  • PopeOfEruke

    Hey, whats the best way for gay sheep to meet other gay sheep?

    Gay baa's.


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