Hypothetical Situation

by TR 18 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • TR

    When you were a child, say, 6 to 10 years old, you were molested by a friend's dad several times. Suddenly, they move, not to be be seen again, until...

    Thirty five years later. You see the perv with his son(your childhood friend) at a store. You follow him out to the parking lot and take note of his car and lic. #. Later, you look up his name in the phone book, and there he is! You do a drive by. Yep, that's him. He lives across the street from an elementary school. You check with the local police, but he's not listed as a sex offender.

    What do you do next?


  • Celia

    Put an ad in the local newspaper asking : Have you too been molested by SoandSo... ??

    Warn the school administration and teachers, that their neighbor SoandSo has molested before and they should keep an eye on him and on the children...

    Slander, dangerous, I know !

    Edited by - Celia on 4 November 2002 16:0:14

  • outcast

    Be the guy on the grassy knoll?

  • No Apologies
    No Apologies

    Call child protections services and let them handle it. There may be no other options, statute of limitations may apply as far as pressing charges. Confronting the perp may be helpful, may not. Finding a therapist could also help.

  • nilfun

    While I was at the sherrif's station checking the registered
    sex offender list, I would tell them why I was checking on him...
    and ask them about the statute of limitations...find out where/how I could report this guy...

    If I were to call this guy to confront him, I would wait till well after he'd been reported so as not to tip him off....

  • TR

    Other than killing the motherfornicator, what good what a confrontation do? If other witnesses to the crime aren't willing to stand up, then slander charges could be leveled.

    In this scenario, I'm afraid outcast's suggestion, tongue-in-cheek as it may be, just might be the only answer. If indeed, justice through the courts is not attainable, there may be only one option.

    A victim willing to go through with offing the perpetrator should use good judgement.(LOL) What I mean is, Is it highly likely that the perp will offend again? Do you have dependents at home that will suffer because of the strain of a trial and loss of support due to you being in prison if convicted of murder?

    Maybe hire a private eye to see what the perv is up to these days?


  • TR
    Finding a therapist could also help.

    If you are a healthy, normal, well-balanced individual who takes care of their family, and has no issues resulting from the abuse, other than wanting to seek justice, what good would therapy do? Would thoughts of killing a sexual deviant be abnormal?


  • Celia

    Confronting the pervert (to use a mild term) may not be a bad idea... What about greeting him and asking : So, Mr. SoandSo, are you still into molesting little boys ?

    Would thoughts of killing a sexual deviant be abnormal?
    No !
  • No Apologies
    No Apologies

    I thought I was a healthy, normal, well-balanced individual with no issues, but after getting the issue out in the open, I realized I do need to work through some things. It was just a suggestion.

    I suggested confronting the perp for the same reason, it might make you feel better to stand up to this creep and say, "I know what you did." What if the person admitted to it and agreed to get help? Not that I care about him, but if it stops further abuse of others... Either way, you get to have your say. But I am not an expert.

  • nicolaou

    Kick the holy crap out of him and offer your defence in court!

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