I'm in BIG trouble!

by radiolady 20 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • Mum

    Sorry about your financial woes. The suggestions offered so far are good. I have some to add.

    1. Could you live nearer to where you work so that you could walk to work and save on car expenses? 2. Do you have a reliable bus/public transportation system in your city or town so that you can reduce or eliminate the need for a car until your situation improves? 3. Have you contacted your creditors and given them an idea of your ability to pay? Most creditors will work with you and accept reduced payments if you are open and honest with them. 4. Are there opportunities to earn money at a second job, part-time? 5. Have you contacted Consumer Credit Counseling or a similar agency for help?

    At one time or another, I have had to do all of the above except #5. I have worked 2 jobs, used public transportation (for everything, not just to and from work), have repaid creditors as best I could (but this was not a major problem, as my income was so low that I could rarely get any credit).

    Things take some time to improve. Take one day at a time.

    All the best,


  • simplesally

    When I was younger, I made about $900 a month. Rent was $450. Here's what I did:

    1. Monthly bus pass: allows you to use bus lines (and sometimes other public transport lines) as much as you want.
    2. 2 cases of soup or Top Ramen.
    3. Eat at relative's or friends (people are more willing to share food than money)
    4. No cable, no internet access that costs money.
    5. I took a bath and got into bed rather than turn on the heat.
    6. Dinner out: go to a bar during "Happy Hour" and nurse one drink purchased and ask for a glass of water on the side.
    7. Realize that this is all "short term" even if itits for a year, like it was for me.

    Additional thought: Car dealerships will hire anyone.......even without experience. Salary for inexperienced ones is often $2000 a month and they will keep your for at least a month. I got into the business (before the days of the training salary) and then was a cocktail waitress after work so I was working from 9-9 at the dealer, then 10-2:30 at the bar for the cash tips. Believe me, I was tired and even got pneumonia and still went to work, refused to tell my parents that I needed money, I was "fine" when they called. You'll get through it.

  • simplesally

    OOOOO I forgot this


    This company will assist you and NOT report to the credit bureau that you are involved in debt consolidation. The other companies will charge you. Yes this company will charge you money but only a percentage of the money you were giving away anway. Lets say you were paying 20% and now you are paying 11% (or whatever) they will charge 2% of the difference.

    They will lower your rates and negotiate settlements.

  • radiolady

    Thanks everyone for your suggestions and thoughts. I'm going to be alright, I know that...it's just an immediate need...LIKE RIGHT NOW kind of thing. I have a decent job and have been working four jobs up until last month; when I decided that it was way too stressful. Now, I'm working two and one of them is from home. You all gave excellent suggestions and I have actually been instituting many of those things already for a while. I sometimes feel like I'm not getting anywhere. I do well for a while and then a crisis hits and I'm stuck. I usually get unstuck, but this one is a little more of an emergency than it is just your regular being poor like I'm used to. Plus the weather is changing here and I'm in a lot more pain than normal which makes it a little more difficult to tolerate things. I just went to full-time on my job last month and now have decent medical insurance. What I'd like to know is how in the hell do people who have a lot of money...I don't mean comfortable...I mean a lot of money...how do they get it? Is it passed down? Like "old" money or are they all in their own businesses? Is that how it's done? I've often wondered about things like that. (Is that a stupid question?) Either way, I'm thankful you guys are here and have listened to me go on and on. I'll keep you posted!

    P.s. I'm back doing what I love...I'm producing a morning show...and no, we don't make a lot of money unless you happen to be Howard Stern.

    Thanks again!

    Much love...


  • DJ
    (that's a long story; but if I don't get it back this week coming up; I may go to jail...l

    Hi Tammy,

    If you don't pay your boss back some $....you may go to jail? What on earth? This boss.......uh, I don't get it? If you could be a little clearer here, maybe we can help. This seems a bit strange. I also have fibromyalgia. It is a real nuisance. Motrin helps me. I've heard that calcium-magnesium supplements help too. Write back if you can, ok? Dj

  • ugg

    ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( radiolady ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

  • og

    "How to Get Out of Debt, Stay Out of Debt, and Live Prosperously" by Gerrold Mundis is a pretty good book about debt and getting out of it.

  • radiolady

    Hello everyone...just an update...nothing yet. As far as my previous post (the original one), I took out a previous reference because I'm getting paranoid. For those of you who read it...you know what I mean. I'm sorry to be so cryptic, but as you've probably guessed, that what I did wasn't exactly on the "up and up". No, I didn't take anything from anyone "personally" Let's just say this...I'm not doing THAT again. After I get out of this...I promise, I'll be able to tell you what happend. I'm so sorry. It's really hard, because I want to talk about all the details but I'm so scared. I'm sure you already know that I did something that was wrong and now I have to hurry up and get it right. Damn, I'm 43 years old; spent over 25 years in the borg, and am experiencing things that I probably should have experienced as a teenager or in my early 20's. That way I could have learned my lesson earlier. I think that's what happens to us. We are not "allowed" to experience the real world and when we do; we don't know what the hell to do. My daughter is going through the same type of thing, but with a different twist. She didn't get a chance to date...and now she's 23, very pretty (I mean really!!!) and she's having trouble finding the "right" guy. She keeps getting her heart broken and cannot understand why. If she had been "allowed" to experience these things earlier she would at least know how the game is played (so to speak). So, now she's almost like a teenager. I was the same way...when I first left at 33...I went nuts. I started dating an 18 year old!...because I could! I started smoking...because I could and because I was all excited that I could "finally" do something that was taboo. There was a level of excitement to all of that "acting out" behavior. Of course you realize later that once you've done those things, there really isn't anything to it at all...except maybe some repercussions...like not being able to quit smoking! (I'll get there!) Most people that see me think my daughter and I are sisters and we love to hang out together. It's fun, but it has it's drawbacks as well. You don't want your child to forget who is the parent and who is the child; but my daughter is and always has been very bright...she knows what's going on...she realizes that mom is cutting loose and having fun for the first time in her life; so she was doing the same thing. It's a good thing I woke up! (with the exception of my latest faux paus...that was just down right stupid...period). Okay, now that I've finished criticizing my own ass...I can get down to business. I've read so many books on credit repair, debt relief etc. It's just a matter of getting instituting those things...that's something you do for the long haul and those things take time....so when I get out of this "emergency" situation, I'll pick back up on my journey to repair my credit. If anyone wants to jump on the bandwagon...we can do this together. It helps if you have company. Either way, I'll keep you posted in the continuing saga of repairing my credit! I can do this...and I will. (I gotta climb out of this hole first though )

    Love you much!


  • radiolady

    Update: Due to the kindness of one of our boardmembers, I'm going to be okay. I will say that whenever goodness is extended to you on this level all I can say is "Thank you, thank you, thank you!!" She knows who she is, and since I do not yet have permission to say...she needs to know that I appreciate everything she has done from the bottom of my temporarily wicked little heart . I feel like the little kid who's been spared the inevitable spanking, beating and asswhuppin'...well, that's the way it was in my family when I was growing up! "Let's see...will it be the spanking...or the beating today...hell, let's just go for the 'ole fashioned asswhuppin!!!"

    I want to be there for anyone else who needs my help in this same way. Of course not yet! (Check back in a couple of months). I'm working really hard on getting my credit together...and one day; I'll be able to go into a car dealership, pick out what I want and drive home with it! That may sound trivial to some people, but it means a lot to me. Not the car in itself...it's the ability to be able to do something like that...or even to have enough money put aside for emergencies if you need it...which is what got me into this situation in the first place. I will take everyone's advice, pay closer attention to my finances and try to cut corners even more than what I already have. My problem is that I've been living from paycheck to paycheck for so long, there was no room for error. Sometimes you can't help it...you just can't get your head above water no matter how much is in the tank...sometimes, all you have to do is stand up.

    Thank you!

    Love you!


  • COMF

    Glad to hear things are looking up for you, 'lady. To quote an old acquaintance, "Go and sin no more." Looking forward to good news on your financial front. Don't get discouraged if it doesn't happen right away. Set your goal as a long-term thing and settle in for the duration. I'm confident you'll have success.

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