The Article on Apostates

by thepreacher 6 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • thepreacher

    Hi Gang,

    I am a new apostate and an old contributor to this forum and the old international forum (what happened to it?). I would like some info on the latest JW 'Apostate' article so I can see what drivel the flock is being fed about those who are of my persuasion. Feel free to e-mail me.

    The Preacher

  • blondie

    Preacher, next Sunday's study article focuses on apostates. I do a revew every week. It should be up by Wednesday. It is not a scan, just quotes and comments.


    (September 15, 2002 WT)

  • Gopher

    oooo - this one sounds so good!! I can't wait, Blondie!!

  • rwagoner


    Love your comments...Any source for a scan ? Hard to find copies of the material laying about around here for some reason lately.


  • surferdude

    the next article is very interesting, it is another one of those articles that speaks in generalities and to the person who may not look at it with a critical eye you come away with the thought " if it is negative about the watchtower society or jw's in general , it just CAN"T be true". the article again spooks people away from just about speaking anything they don't have FIRSTHAND knowledge about "even if the source is reputable", because they MAY not have firsthand knowledge!

    there is a pic of a man reflecting on his thoughts with smaller pictures behind him,,, they are 1. a computer screen behind him(internet sites) 2. tv with a talk show theme(dateline, or the news) 3. a hand written letter(maybe an old friend, or a mass mailed DA letter?)

    the only facts that are left out is what to do when the info and knowledge you heard is get this,,,,ACTUALLY TRUE!!!!!!!! we all know that some exagerate, or outright lie to stir the pot, but most ammo against the society is legitamate truth, that they have twisted.

    why won't they just admit to some mistakes instead of covering them up?


    (the weather is great on the coast)

  • thepreacher

    Thanks for the tip, Blondie. Looking forward to your review.

    To the others.....

    "why won't they just admit to some mistakes instead of covering them up?

    "Everyone who does evil hates the light, and will not come into the light for fear his deeds will be exposed."

    The Preacher

  • blondie

    Why not admit mistakes? Let the WTS answer for themselves the reasons for not admitting mistakes. I think they all apply to the WTS.

    *** w78 8/1 3 Can You Admit When You Are Wrong? ***

    "THE foolish and the dead alone never change their opinion." At least, so said writer J. R. Lowell.

    Then, despite all the evidence of Jesus resurrection, they wanted to get rid of the apostles, who were witnesses to this mighty work of God.

    Yes, rather than admit that they were wrong, the Jews wanted to remove all trace of the evidence.

    Have you ever known a supervisor at work who makes a mistake and, when it is exposed, refuses to admit it or tries to blame someone else?

    This is due to pride, a feeling that in his position he should not be caught in a mistake.

    *** g73 2/8 3 The Wisdom of Admitting a Mistake ***

    Admitting a mistake reflects on things we may take pride in, such as our knowledge, our skill or our carefulness. We want to have a good appearance in the eyes of others. Seeking to "save face" is not limited to Orientals.

    Without doubt a very telling reason why it is difficult at times to admit making a mistake is the blame, censure or punishment that may come because of having made a mistake, as when one causes a serious accident.

    Because of the shame that goes with making a mistake the tendency is to pin the blame on others, a thing our very first parents, Adam and Eve, tried to do.

    Frankly, what really is gained by refusing to accept blame for what we have done? True, we may not get disciplined at the time, but "whatever a man is sowing, this he will also reap." (Gal. 6:7)

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