a link to a useful message board for X's

by Ravyn 1 Replies latest jw friends

  • Ravyn


    I never realized how much I had in common with other X's until I came to this 'exitfundyism' discussion board. I hesitated to join because I thought that an X- Fundy board would not have anything in common with an X JW.....I was SOOOO wrong! I have found empathetic friends on this board, who even tho they came from religions that JWs condemned as opposite of what JWs were.....have made me realize that the world is truly a small place and I was not alone in my experiences. I highly recommend this board. It has shown me that I have humanity in common, and (dare I admit this?)some people actually had it WORSE than JWs did!

    Nothing against the JW boards out there, including this one, but for me---I needed to join the human race and not limit myself to associating only with other XJWs...that is as bad as when I was still one!

    I invite anyone here to check it out, look for me, I am Ravyn or LadyLvsNyt in there also.


  • Dia

    Someone is looking for you. Check out a current post with 'FDS' in the title. You'll find them.

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