I Am Cait

by cognac 2 Replies latest jw friends

  • cognac
    Does anyone else relate to this as much as I do? The fears, heartache, everything she went through to finally come out... Just so courageous!!!
  • pronomono
    Well..... I've never wanted to come out as a woman, but it is a powerful story. I think we can all relate to this to a degree, especially when dealing with the fear of losing those we love for coming out about our beliefs that differ from those of other JWs and the consequences of vocalizing our discontent. I wish I could be as courageous as her (still feels weird saying her though, lol).
  • cognac
    Totally agree Promo. I have someone close to me who's dabbling in this sort of thing, he grew up as a JW. Hits close to home with on so many levels...

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