Who's Got a Spooky Story to Tell?

by SpannerintheWorks 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • Cicatrix

    My sister just related something similar to me. She said that her daughter came in one day not too long ago and said that a man standing in the yard under their pine tree told her hello. My sister dashed outside, worried about some strange man talking to her daughter, but there was no one there.My niece kept talking about the man for some weeks after.A while later, they went to visit my sister's in-laws and were looking through thier photo album. My niece looked at one picture and said "There's the man, there's the man." It was my brother-in-law's grandfather. He had built the house that my sister and bro-in-law own, and lived in it for many years.My sister said that was the first time either she or her daughter had seen a photo of the man.

    Another person I know came to me white as a sheet one morning about fifteen years ago, and told me that the night before, they had been driving down a dirt road.Something very tall with glowing red eyes appeared on the road and started to move toward the car. The person said they took off as fast as they could go for home.Well, I pretty much discounted what they said as a very active imagination.A few months ago, I saw The Mothman Prophecies.I called another person whom this person told about the incident, and asked them to watch the movie and tell me what they thought about it. I didn't tell the person what the movie was about or mention the other person who had the experience.A few days later, I went over to their house and asked them what they thought of the movie.They said, "Don't tell so and so about this movie."

    I've had experiences also that I can't simply explain away.

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