New here - thanks all

by acsot 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • Flip

    Welcome ascot, youll find your experiences parallel many others. For instance, in my fathers case you can replace your fathers alcoholism with post-traumatic syndrome, generated by WWII military experiences. The clinical name is different but the results as far as behavior and motivation for parental recruitment into the Watchtower Corporation would be similar.

    Your well put observation, Neither of my parents had much education, so the JW teaching of (secular) education not being important (especially back in the 60s when she was baptized) probably sounded like heaven on earth to my mother ., explains much of my fathers gravitation towards Jehovahs Witnesses which was the negating of his perceived shortcomings by the instant appearance of a contrived, Watchtower Corporate induced level playing field.

    Thanks for providing your personal experiences ascot, by doing so it can cause others to reflect upon and understand their own.

  • johnathanseagull

    Hi Ascot

    you say " sorry to bore you" and I've rambled on" .........Quite the opposite my friend, you will find more than a listening ear here so feel free to post away to your hearts content


    J Gull.

  • JT

    You couple that with the JW guilt and fear they pile on you constantly, and I give you alot of credit for surviving to this point


    bottom line great point

  • Sentinel


    Welcome, and thanks for your wonderful post.

    When you were talking about how the JW's might be feeling threatened by the internet, the thought came to mind, that maybe it's not even too far-fetched to believe that they might even be so bold as to suggest that computers are the "mark of the beast" and that everyone should stay away from them.

    One thing is for certain. Most everyone has access to a computer, and most people have one in their home. JW's included, that's for sure. The internet is right there just waiting. I just about know that most every witness has searched for sites such as this forum. The temptation for knowledge is just too great.

    When they find us, and they read the threads and posts, they will be able to see that we arent' what the WTBTS has portrayed us to be. The door is opened..........

    I look forward to reading more of your posts.

  • DJ

    Welcome ascot! I'm glad that you posted. It's a hard exit for many but it is worth it. Hopefully, we can be a place where you can release any lingering doubts and concerns that tend to stick with people who have experienced such a mind controlling religion. Welcome again. dj

    Edited by - DJ on 30 October 2002 11:32:37

  • outnfree

    Hey, acsot!

    Nice to know that we 'postates haven't frightened you away!

    Welcome to the Board!


  • imanaliento

    welcome and hello from Nebraska, it's wonderful to hear that you are taking care of your mother, many people would just as soon not. Hopefully someone in your type of situation can help you out with her going and you not wanting to, maybe a point blank question from time to time without being offensive may get her thinking.

    the internet can be an excellent tool giving us knowledge that we wouldn't otherwise see, and that becomes valuable to have that freedom.

  • Gopher

    Welcome here! Your post didn't bore me one bit. Let it all out -- this is a good place for that!

    Your feelings about the self-proclaimed "one true organization" are shared by many readers of this forum. It has become very obvious there is no such need for a meddling organization, telling us how to worship, what to think, when to think, etc. As soon as you make this realization, you become free.

    Good wishes in your journey, and glad you found us here!

    Gopher (a former ministerial servant)

  • pettygrudger
  • RedhorseWoman

    Welcome, Acsot. Enjoy the journey back to life. The road is sometimes bumpy, but there are friends everywhere who will help you on your way.

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