Why are none of the 'Governing Body' being summoned to any of the abuse commissions?

by GodZoo 15 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Brokeback Watchtower
    Brokeback Watchtower
    Maybe they might get a call to attend I'm "hoping" but if not then maybe after the investigation is finished maybe formal charges might come forth for a criminal trial which they might have to attend especially Loesch of any GB that has a definite connection with things that transpired in Australia.
  • bemused

    The Royal Commission is investigating the activities of the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of Australia, which appears to be a corporate entity. The Commission therefore has no mandate to call in GB members.

    However as a corporate entity (and assuming Australian law is similar to the UK), the local officials will be fully and wholly responsible for the WT's actions in Australia. It won't be an acceptable defence to say that the GB told them to do something.

  • punkofnice
    ..and I thought the last time there were ructions down under, their holinesses the governing body had disfellowshipped the whole of Australia from the corporation!?!?!?
  • umbertoecho

    Data Dog... Don't stop being you for gods or somethings sake...It is so funny how you can present truth in humour.

    WT in Australia is for all of Australasia......that is huge! The GB would need nappies to contain the amount of s... that they are s......ing. They have done us a great service in leaving it to the idiots here to deal with the Royal Commission. The thing is. They, the JWs never thought that it would get tough. They were mistaken and misjudged the alacrity of those conducting it. They truly think they are so above "us' that they have over reached themselves and are now showing a wonderfully poor history that is documented.These documents were subpoenaed, they had no choice but to hand them over. The party line is that they are so "co-operative" but that is because they had no choice but to be co-operative. It was that or a court case, and who wants that?

    My nephew is an elder. He is in Sydney trying to give positive points to his mum. Of course this is all bullshit based as anyone can see from the video's that Barbara has put up and from my live stream here. I have worried family here for they know that I am the family "loose canon", which means I tell the bloody truth. Now that has gone against them. I think Punkofnice made a wonderful and insanely delightful comment about disfellowshipping Australia.

    Yes!! The GB could do that and it would feel like some sort of nirvana to me....if wishes were horses and all that...........

  • umbertoecho
    This Royal Commission is also about compensation. I didn't know that at first and am delighted at the implications. It's no wonder that they have tightened their belts so much lately...You know, cost cutting for the world wide preaching work and all that crap...Now we know that WTBTS has less leverage than they would like. They cannot exert their influence in legal or political matters and crawl out unscathed. Money is some thing that really makes WT cry....the mere contemplation of payouts is enough to make them call this the start of the Great Tribulation. I kid you not. This is already being said.....
  • Vidiot

    There's another thread that describes how the Commission starts out simple and low-key, then builds and builds as it cranks up the tension on those being questioned.

    I don't know if they can call non-Aussie citizens to give testimony, but if this was the US, they might be holding out for just the right moment to call GB members to the stand for maximum effect.

    Sometimes, timing is everything.

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