JW Hatred and Elders Apathetic Manners Drove Me Here! Why are JWs fooled in to thinking the WTS Cares?

by Judas Maccabee 35 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • cognac
    Totally agree with Oppostate. People do care and if they don't on this site, they just shouldn't have posted. How rude...
  • flipper

    JUDAS- Welcome to the board. I'm sorry that you've experienced such injustices from elders or others. Those are some of the main reasons I left the organization back in 2003. Please know that we are here as a support to you and are here to offer our real friendship to you. It's good that you have your parents to support you and are able to be there for you. Keep your chin up. Hang in there. The road to mental freedom is a challenging one- but once it's attained your life will get better the less you have to be in the company of judgmental people - your wife, elders, anybody who judges you unfairly. People who do this to us can be a real poison to our lives.

    If your wife would be willing to cast her judgments away from you and let you stop attending without her harshness your existence would be easier. Sounds like a time for a heart to heart talk with her to determine which way you want to go progressing forward. Take care, Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • DarioKehl


    (golf clap)

    Hey jackass... we all know you're here now, ok big guy? You got your attention hit for the day, so move along. Shoosh!

    And BTW, it's "you're," not "your."

  • Vidiot

    Judas Maccabee - "How does anyone leave with dignity and not have the A-word attached for life?"

    If your exit is well-known, you can't.

    The best you can do is get yourself to the point where you don't give a shit if you're called the A-word.

  • flipper
    WofJ - chrissakes take a chill pill. Sounds like you got a bug up your butt,,,, Mrs. Flippper
  • Witness My Fury
    Witness My Fury

    If your marriage is this shitty after just 3 months (if i read that right) then i'd have a very serious think about NOT having any sex with her at all until you know which way you are going with this, as said already do not let her play the pregnancy card on you!

    If your parents are out and the marriage is toast you may as well just get it over with and make a fresh start with lessons learned....

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