What was your message

by A Paduan 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • A Paduan
    A Paduan

    When going door to door

    1. were you delivering good news (without an IF) like, "your landlord has given you the house"
    2. or were you selling 'love' like, "if you do as we do then you will be loved"
    3. or were you pretending to be normal but giving the underlying warning about the imaginary beast-god - who was perhaps going to get yourself.


  • larc

    I was delivering the good news, because I thought it was true. For those of you didn't believe that, I feel very sorry for you.

  • No Apologies
    No Apologies

    I was delivering the good news. Now I feel sorry for myself. What do I do now?

  • IslandWoman

    A Paduan,

    I was trying to help people to have a better life than what they had. I was trying to promote a way of life which helped the family and the individual. The way of life exemplified by the teachings of Jesus and the Watchtower.


  • willdabeerman

    i was going door to door cuz i love annoying the f*ck outta people.cuz as you all know,after a friday night partying,getting home at 3am. there is nothing like being waken up at 10 am by a barking dog,a doorbell ,and 2 dorks standing at the door with "were better than you cuz were gonna live in paradise look" on thier face.(as you can tell i hated service). but i did it cuz i thought it was the true religon,and i was looking for kiss ass points to become a m/s.and find a hottie ass sister looking for the true blue hova boy.BLAGH!man i make myself sick.

  • jurs

    When I went door to door I often used the scripure John 17:3 . I wanted those I saw at the door to have everlasting life and I truly believed I had the key to that "knowledge".

    I never enjoyed going out in service but once I was actually at a door and speaking , my whole heart was into it. Thank God I didn't bring anyone in.


  • Guest 77
    Guest 77

    I enjoyed meeting people, what's wrong with that?

    Guest 77

  • jurs


    There's not a thing wrong with it although, the householder whom you woke up on their day off , uninvited, and talking about something they don't want to hear about may see things differently.


  • A Paduan
    A Paduan

    larc - you feel sorry because I didn't believe your message, or because I question the purpose for delivering the message ?

  • Perry

    Looking back, I must admit that I was at first truly committed to helping people change their life for the better and to get everlasting life. After a while, I just wanted to see how many bible studies, mags, and books I could "sell". Oh yeah, trying to destroy peoples' faith in Christ was on the lisat too.

    I am still haunted by the faces of some of the nice people I destroyed with false reasoning.

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