A sunburnt country

by ozziepost 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • ozziepost

    Only one more!

    Edited by - ozziepost on 26 October 2002 11:36:14

  • ozziepost

    Is that a record for duplicate posts, or what??!!

    Edited by - ozziepost on 26 October 2002 11:37:2

  • unclebruce

    geez ozzie, gotten so damn hot down under you're flaming your own post now eh? LOL

    weather report: cool and mild down here ozzie .. wonder what it's like in West Texas? .. New Jersey? Scotchland? ..Koala Loompa?.. Galarganbone? .. .. Boonyrigg?

    gett'n warmer, uncle-breezethrough-bruce

  • Beck_Melbourne

    Ozzie, we have water restrictions here...yet people are still washing their cars with a running hose and are turning on their sprinklers at night...I feel so ripped off when we try to conserve water and see that kind of abuse.


  • Shakita

    Hi Ozzie:

    Here in New Jersey in the good ole USA the weather is as follows:

    Presently we are at 50 degrees with a low overnight of 42 degrees.

    Tomorrow will be party cloudy, oops, I forgot what the temperature was, but it will be around approximately 53 degrees.

    We have a national weather service alert at this time for a possible overnight frost. Very important to cover all delicate flowers and vegetables.

    We have been in a drought status here too, no washing cars, limited watering of lawns, etc... But, lately we have had alot of rain in NJ, so I think they have let up on the restrictions alittle. I'll have to check that out and get back to you.

    Sorry to hear of the situation in your neck of the woods. Hope some of our rain comes your way!

  • Mackin

    You guys can take some of our rain if you want. I don't think it's ever going to stop over here. It's Labour Day holiday today and I'm sitting inside with the heater on while it rains quite heavily outside.

    Mackin (of the permanantly soggy class).

  • unclebruce

    New Zealand rain's no good! it's got .........it's too.... it's ... o alright send some over Makin

    why the f*** we all yell'n? i mean i know it's a long way arround the world .. especially to New Zealand hee hee

    lol unc

    ps: . What Island you the chief apostate of Makin?

    Edited by - unclebruce on 27 October 2002 22:15:19

  • outcast

    That would explain alot about Prisca. Now the whole area is dry.

  • Prisca
    That would explain alot about Prisca. Now the whole area is dry.

    What is this supposed to mean????

  • Beck_Melbourne
    Mackin (of the permanantly soggy class).

    I thought that was funny...and since I'm a kiwi I can say...

    ~Beck~ (of the permanently wet class) LOL

    ps..sorry Ozzie for being smutty on your thread

    Edited by - Beck_Melbourne on 27 October 2002 22:55:0

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