Reading Awake-Equivalent to College ?

by Searchin50 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • Jourles

    I couldn't help but notice that while scanning through all of the articles relating to college, almost every single one put college in a negative light. I thought it was also funny that in the Awake's section of From Our Readers, there were "letters" from concerned individuals asking why the Awake portrayed college in such a bad way. I never thought the editors of the Awake would throw in such letters. I mean, those people sounded pretty pissed off!

    All in all, here is what I got out of those articles and why college is bad(sort of a Top Ten list):

    10. Immorality is rampant.

    9. All college students are drunks.

    8. They WILL teach you evolution, and it is bad.

    7. There are no guarantees you will have a job when you get out.

    6. Money isn't everything in life.

    5. Master's and PhD's are getting laid off, what makes you think you won't?

    4. Human philosophies are never going to teach you anything that the bible doesn't already teach you.

    3. How about plumbing or carpentry? Even garbage collectors could make $10,000 a year in the 70's.

    2. Reading the Watchtower's and Awake's are the equivalent of going to college anyway. Besides, why pay tens of thousands of dollars a year for something you only have to pay upwards of $0.25 per magazine for?

    1. The end is so close now we can feel it. So why bother getting an education when you could be in field service selling OUR books instead?

  • jws

    Why of course it's equivalent to going to college. Where would my career be without the following Awake! articles?

    • Class Inheritance - Is it for Christians?
    • Visual C++ and the Apostle Paul
    • XML - a blessing from the Faithful and Discreet Slave


  • waiting

    You know, we did learn a lot. A tad here, a good article there, a lie sandwiched in-between. But I always like their articles on nature etc. I can tell you things about the hummingbird that would make you gag in boredom (which was why I read them during the WT studies - to stay Awake!)

    When a *big word* was used ------- the older sisters especially would always comment "It's really necessary to have a dictionary along with our Watchtowers. Jehovah makes sure His people are well fed!" Puke. Vomit.

    Lol........and when the articles were convoluted in lack of reasoning, the same old sisters would walk out and say "Why, that article was so deep.....I'm going to have to study it again!"

    Many jw's actually do have a decent vocabulary (sans jw language) - it's just that we learned garbage along with some decent articles over the years. We just didn't know about the garbage.

    I remember the college equivelency articles though. WT was always pushing how brilliant their mags were. "All a true Christian ......................... needs to succeed." Insert janitor, window washer, housecleaner, any and all low paying jobs - in general.


  • Xander

    Visual C++ and the Apostle Paul


    Oh, goddamnit, you owe me a new keyboard, now! And a coke!!

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