I love watching movies

by nilfun 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • nilfun

    I love watching movies. Besides being entertaining, they often make me think
    about my own internal struggles.

    One movie I really like is Dances with Wolves.

    A pet scene of mine from that film is when Lieutenant Dunbar (Kevin Costner)
    gun in hand, surprises Kicking Bird (Graham Greene), who is attempting to steal
    the lieutenant's horse. Although he is armed, Lieutenant Dunbar isn't the kind
    of man that shoots first and asks questions later, which is just as well, since
    it works out that he and Kicking Bird eventually become good friends.

    Lieutenant Dunbar's curiosity about the Lakota people is stronger than his fear.
    Because of this, he has the experience of a lifetime, and so do his newfound Lakota friends.

    It got me to thinking about the Wampanoag and the pilgrims.

    Sometimes I wonder how things would have played out if the pilgrims had been
    more like Lieutenant Dunbar and less like. . . pilgrims. I wonder what might have been.
    But of course, Lieutenant Dunbar and Kicking Bird are works of fiction . . .

    Another movie I enjoyed was Gladiator. In one scene Caesar (Richard Harris)
    tells his daughter Lucilla (Connie Nielsen), "Enough of politics. Let us pretend
    that you are a loving daughter, and I am a good father." She smiles
    and replies, "This is a pleasant fiction, isn't it?"

    So I'm watching this and I'm thinking that maybe that's what some holidays are - a pleasant fiction.
    A time for me to make believe that the roots of a celebration aren't really all that important.
    "Nilfun" I say to myself, "Nilfun, maybe you shouldn't worry too much about
    the whole history of Thanksgiving. Don't think about anything except enjoying
    the family and the Turkey." And I reply, "Yeah, that is so right. There's so much
    celebrating that you missed out on as JW. Don't spoil it for yourself! Enjoy!"

    So anyway, while I'm sitting there on my sofa, turning this stuff over in my mind,
    I shut my eyes for a sec and see Metacomet's head on a pike.


  • Beck_Melbourne

    hello nilfun

    I like to watch movies but I really love to read books. Sometimes I combine them both and read a book then watch the movie...now that is real entertainment LOL.

    Dances with Wolves...that was a great movie. I fell in love with Kevin Costner during that movie...and I fell out of love with him during Waterworld....his webbed feet gave me the creeps LOL.


  • nilfun


    Beck, yeah, that and him drinking his own recycled pee. Yuck!

    edited for clarity lol

    Edited by - nilfun on 21 October 2002 1:35:11

  • SixofNine

    You just reminded me of a great family legend. Unfortunately, it is almost certainly of the "urban" style, in terms of veracity.

    For all of my early years, my father would profer the story that way, way, way back in our family history, we were related to Massasoit. I think he wanted to believe that almost as much as he wanted to believe that by religiously following the ideas spawned at bethel, one can live forever on paradise earth.

    I can't find one shred of evidence for a familial connection to the Wampanoag, but I kinda wish I'd held on to that myth longer, and the "god" myth shorter.

    btw, my wife at the time, while watching Dances w/wolves, said that I looked like Kevin Costner. Just in one scene actually.

  • nilfun

    my wife at the time, while watching Dances w/wolves, said that I looked like Kevin Costner. Just in one scene actually
    Looking like Kevin Costner qualifies you for entry into the Hot Guys of JWD 2003 Calendar.
  • Beck_Melbourne


    The only movie that really made me think about my internal struggles was Bridges of Madison County...again it was the book first, then the movie. After that movie I decided I didn't want to end up like Meryl Streep, so I ran off with the first photographer that came down our dusty dirt driveway.


    Looking like Kevin Costner qualifies you for entry into the Hot Guys of JWD 2003 Calendar.

    I would like 10 copies please.

    Edited by - Beck_Melbourne on 21 October 2002 1:49:8

  • nilfun

    Did he look like Kevin Costner?

  • Beck_Melbourne
    Did he look like Kevin Costner?

    No, he looked like Clint Eastwood

  • SixofNine

    Looking like Kevin Costner qualifies you for entry into the Hot Guys of JWD 2003 Calendar

    fine with me. I don't think my family will recognize me from behind.

  • nilfun

    oh, Beck *comfort*...lol

    Six: yee haw!

    edited cos i stuttered...

    nilfun wonders which 12 JWD posters would make it onto the calendar....

    hmmm mebbe i could squeeze 2 guys into each month....hmmm.....

    Edited by - nilfun on 21 October 2002 2:14:17

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