Social retards

by Simon 46 Replies latest jw friends

  • unclebruce

    I'm with Dunnybrush on this,

    I mean I don't just stick by Farkel when he's rotten to me, I kick his balls when he's nice and fluffy too

    I just wrote a long essay on the psycology of Prisca and repairing the retarded mind.. mm it'll take an hour to type up and still might not help .. Even with a deep knowledge of cult indoctrination and its incidious effects on the human mind it takes a long time to understand why some people post the way they do. (geez, i don't think i've finished working myself out yet) Social retardation bought on by life in the Kingdom pond? Sure and then there are those that were just born mean.


  • DannyBear


    Iam anxiously awaiting your comments.

    It took me at leat 5-10 year's, after leaving the cult, to recognize, how very judgemental I was towards everyone I met. The little dancing demons of how someone dressed, haircut, demeanor, in other words, I though I could size someone up pretty damn fast. We jw's prided ourselves in that arena.

    What rude awakening, when one realizes it is all a smoke screen.

    Finding a common ground with the town drunk, is easy, when you get past all the 'righteous indignation' coursing through our jw bred brain cells.

    Takes awhile to wash it all out...........but the benifits are sublime.


  • unclebruce

    I'm anxiosly awaiting your comments"? Hey I haven't even licked the stamp yet!

    Yep, dannybear put me down as a JWP'72 "judgemental watchtower prick - class of ''72"

    we're gett'n better though aren't we??? I mean, if i write another long boring article telling folk here exactly what i think of 'em, does that increase or shrink my judgemental prick?


    ps: o well, at least the word "retard" isn't banned here (unlike ol' h20

    Edited by - unclebruce on 21 October 2002 0:21:2

  • Farkel

    Wow! Once in a while, people really get down and share what it is for them. Those are the magical moments on a board like this, and I'm inspired and awed by that. Thank you everyone!


    Awesome comments. I can say no more than that.


    : I mean I don't just stick by Farkel when he's rotten to me, I kick his balls when he's nice and fluffy too

    Don't you ever change. You are perfect just the way you are.


    : It took me at leat 5-10 year's, after leaving the cult, to recognize, how very judgemental I was towards everyone I met. The little dancing demons of how someone dressed, haircut, demeanor, in other words, I though I could size someone up pretty damn fast. We jw's prided ourselves in that arena.

    Gawd yes. That is me you talking about, too. And I've been SO wrong and too often wrong, too. Stuff to work on for me.

    : What rude awakening, when one realizes it is all a smoke screen.

    Yes. It's just another diversion some of us use to hide our own demons. Make others wrong, and that way you won't have to face your own demons.

    Let those who are lurking understand this: WatchtowerLife(tm) pervades the lives of many of us for years and years and years after we've left. It's not often obvious. It's subtle, but it is still there. It's a powerful, seductive religion. It's also a powerful, DEstructive religion, and for those of us (like me) who were born and raised in it, it's a hard demon to exorcise. Watchtowerism doesn't run me like it did, I don't blame it for my own stuff, overall. But my brain is not yet totally done with it and its insidious influences still pop out when I least expect it and when I least need it.

    I'm at the point where I recognize the WatchtowerThink(tm) triggers and mostly, I'm able to deal with them. But not always.

    The mental battle rages on and I'm determined to win.



  • morrisamb

    I've always found misfits much more attractive than "normal" people anyway. MISFITS ROCK!!!!

  • nilfun


    Hey now that would make a pretty cool T shirt...........

    edited to add:

    but then again so would SOCIAL RETARD. My what a convo starter *that* would be.......

    Edited by - nilfun on 21 October 2002 0:48:17

  • DannyBear


    I thought you were going to write it here........snail mail will take 12 years to get to my rural mail box. Hey that sounds kinda fun, waiting for a long expected letter....remember those days? Nah you arn't as old as Farkel and me. (I, we, us) or whatever.


    ***Watchtowerism doesn't run me like it did, I don't blame it for my own stuff, overall. But my brain is not yet totally done with it and its insidious influences still pop out when I least expect it and when I least need it. ***

    For sure. But we are working on it. Pretty scary to think about just how long it takes to scare them demons away.

    Of course we did not have the internet when we left, some people on this board are obviously way ahead of where I was when only a few year's out. This cyberspace world of information, and commentary is a 'god-send' if you will excuse the reference.


  • onacruse

    So much sharing of personal experiences and great perspectives here! I can only add a couple small comments:

    Pick it up once, look at it, decide if it's worth keeping...

    If not, throw it away and don't look back;

    If it is, then cherish it for it's value.

    For me: Socially retarded? Yes. Socially readjusting? ABSOLUTELY!!!


  • LovesDubs

    I think the one most annoying thing that is still lurking in me from JWhood is that I take everything personally that people say to me. Its like Im on a constant defensive and perceive that people are judging me, even with very mild commentary on things. I dont like people telling me how to do anything any more...and if they even remotely disagree with something I get really pissy about it. I dont like this....but after 13 years of being WATCHED QQ in the borg like a fish in a bowl, and having people gossip and accuse and correct and direct and manipulate me...Im waaaaay sensitive to it all now. I suppose I need to be OUT 13 years too to get over it. Only 8 more years to go of being an UberBeech.


    who me??? A social midget why of course THE MORE I GET TO KNOW PEOPLE THE BETTER I LIKE MY KAT..end of discussion folks !! ((((hugs)))) QUEENIE

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