To DA or not to DA, that is the question?

by dubstepped 29 Replies latest jw experiences

  • dubstepped

    Let me preface this by saying that I don't expect anyone here to make my decision for me. I do however note that like the Bible says, in the multitude of counselors there is wisdom, and this is a huge decision, so I wanted to put it out there for discussion. I really appreciate your words of wisdom, as this affects not just me but my wife also, as we find ourselves in the same boat. We're blessed to have opened our eyes at nearly the same time, me first, and her not too far thereafter.

    I'll just post some highlights below of our situation for your consideration. I'm certainly willing to answer any questions that you may have.

    Reasons FOR DA:

    • I honestly can't say that I'm a JW anymore. I don't identify with them and instead of being proud of the label, it brings me some measure of shame due to the lack of love in the organization in favor of rules. Too many people have been and are hurt.
    • As I can't claim the name anymore, I'm also not doing the witnessing work. Why would I invite people to come get immersed in something that I can no longer support myself?
    • Every time I hear a car door or get a phone call I am worried that it is an elder wanting to talk to me. Granted, that concern is presently unfounded (see AGAINST list below).
    • Every time we go to a store we are worried that we're going to run into a brother or sister and have to have awkward conversations and pretend to be something we're not.
    • I had no real friends in the organization anyway. I've faded and nobody ever reached out to me. Their love knows no bounds, except for the four walls of the Kingdom Hall, of course.
    • My family, and my wife's family, has both shunned us anyway at this point. So we have no real ties anymore to anyone in the organization.
    • I have no plans of ever going back and neither does my wife. You can't un-ring a bell. After opening our eyes, we cannot close them again. We can't shrink our perspective back to the narrow minded box that it once was kept within.
    • DA'ing would feel like we're truly free. I love Ray Franz's book "In Search Of Christian Freedom". I'm still a believer. I still love Jehovah. I just don't want all of how that goes down to be dictated to me anymore. My wife and I want to be free to exercise our own consciences as respects certain things. I have a DA'ed friend that reached out to me years ago that I want to associate with freely. We want to be free to take a blood transfusion as we do not agree with the doctrine in good conscience. And birthdays, come on, how absurd is the ban on that? We don't want to abandon everything, but we want the freedom to no longer live with our consciences dictated to us.

    Reasons AGAINST DA:

    • We currently have a successful fade going on. It's been over the course of years, but at least a year now completely free. Only one sister ever reaches out at all. No elders have ever called and nobody cares. We've effectively disappeared. We haven't even gotten a "Return To Jehovah" brochure from anyone. No family, friends, elders, or anyone else.
    • I feel that DA'ing puts up a wall, another barrier that prevents family from waking up and reaching out to us. As of now, they could more easily reason that they could talk to us. If we DA they really face a whole other level of difficulty in reaching out. Let it be known though for reasons of transparency that none of them ever reached out to us anyway. Our families were both quite dysfunctional and we were never close. I've always held out hope that someday we could be (eternal optimist) while my wife just gave up hope. We did have some measure of relationships with them, but 99% of the time it was because we initiated the contact.
    • Although I don't see us ever going back, I'm not arrogant enough to say that it could never happen. Heck, I never thought I'd be here where I am today. I've made massive changes in my life over the years in many ways, as has my wife. So, just in case I should ever change my mind or the organization should do an about face on many things that I currently can't get with, I don't want that added layer of trouble to go through to ever be reinstated. Why subject myself to that possibility unnecessarily?
    • My guess is that when announced at the Hall we'll just "no longer be Jehovah's Witnesses" in a typical announcement that doesn't show that we made this choice. This isn't like they disfellowshipped us, and to me that matters. I want it known that it was our choice entirely to leave. I don't want people to think that we did something morally wrong or to look down on us any more than they will already. Having people shun us currently sucks, but amping that up a level seems like it would suck more.
    • Freedom always comes with a price. Being free to do some things and associate freely with some people also puts 8 million or so out of bounds for us aside from our family who has already shunned us.

    I'll chime in if I think of anything else. If I had to break it down simply, we want to DA to be free of an organization that hangs over our head in all things. However, we know that comes with a price, some of which we've already paid, but an uncertain price as well.

    Thanks for your time and attention. I may not agree with everything here or everyone, but it sure is beautiful that we all get to have the freedom to be who we are.

  • FreeGirl2006

    Just walk away and live your life. Why give them power over you? I was unwillingly dfd and lost friends and family, but gained incredible freedom. I wouldn't change it for anything, so I get the freedom aspect. Are you in a position to move away where you are unknown, so you can just get on with life?

    I think they just announce that you are no longer a JW so people won't know that you willingly walked away (of course that could have changed since I was bounced out).

  • cha ching
    cha ching
    Hard choice.... my husband was DF'd for telling the truth... so was one of my kids... the other? kind of DA'd themself... unfortunately, they wrote the Society in all good heartedness, then was DF'd by the locals. I wasn't DF'd, and decided not to DA myself.... I don't want to give them any notion that I care about what they say... I don't want to give them a 'letter', and I hope I can POSSIBLY help others. Some of my fam are still in, and though they don't really talk to me much (even when I was still in, they had the hamster wheel to run) I might have a better chance to talk with them if I am not DF'd... Maybe not, but I want to give the WT no "recognition"
  • Saintbertholdt

    FreeGirl2006 is correct. Don't play by their rules and don't give them power over you.

    I Disassociated myself and of course I had to pay the price. In retrospect it was silly of me.

  • Finkelstein
    dubstepped sounds like you should write out a resentful and compassionate DA letter stating your intentions and why you must leave.
    There is something honorable about that .

  • The Searcher
    The Searcher

    Freedom is all in the mind; if you genuinely feel free, then you are!

    My wife and I are free of the Org, but haven't cut it dead yet - for family reasons. But our hearts and minds are subject to what we want, not what the Org dictates. We have our responses ready for anyone who wishes to try and interrogate our motives for non-compliance with "company procedures" - and I truly look forward to dealing with such sanctimonious, un-Christian busybodies.

    In a nutshell - I owe no one from the K.H. an explanation for my faith, or how I practice it - each will render an account for himself!

    Therefore, IMO, you and your wife should simply walk away - you're already free. Why make it "official?"

  • Scully

    The WTS's rule to write a Letter of Disassociation™ is like an unloaded gun being held on you, holding you and your wife hostage.

    Writing such a letter is like giving them the ammunition to use that gun against you and your wife.

    If you don't give them the ammunition they want and expect from you, they can't use it against you.

    It's their rule. You don't have to play by their rules anymore. Live your life. Be happy. Be successful. Choose a new 'family'.

  • LoveUniHateExams

    You don't have to play by their rules. Just continue your nice gentle fade, enjoy yourself and make the most out of your life.

    F*ck the Watchtower.

  • Island Man
    Island Man

    I think the decision really comes down to balancing two competing interests - planting seeds with JWs by means of a powerful, factual DA letter vs the freedom to speak with JW family by not DAing.

    If you don't have JW relatives and/or friends whom you wish to stay in contact with, then I think DAing does more good than harm. I no longer buy the whole "playing by their rules" argument. To me, such an argument smacks of useless petty pride. It really does nothing to help those inside think seriously about the organization. It's nothing but a selfish assertion of personal ego/power.

    On the other hand a good DA letter - emailed to all the publishers in your congregation before giving it to the elders - does a lot to help those still mentally trapped inside.

  • Giordano

    When I first participated on this forum it seemed that half thought DA one's self was the thing to do........ the other half said fade. Now it seems more are inclined to support fading based on the harshness of shunning, broken families etc.

    DA was not a reason to shun someone back in the day....... one limited association but did not shun. Now it is on par with being DF....."So and So is no longer a JW" means you are lumped in with criminals, degenerates, fornicators and shutter.................smoker's.

    A DA letter may give you a chance to clear the air and even hit back but tactically you would have to get a letter to everyone in the congregation and various families. The end result is that you are allowing Elders to publicly discipline you as well as your family and the 'friends' if someone wanted to speak to you.

    In my opinion a fade is a better tactic as there is no honor in the WTBTS's world....They lie, misdirect, cut deals with governments, they violate their own principles and beliefs they kill and maim their followers.

    The honorable thing to do is to ignore them and get on with your life.

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