Field Service Reporting To Book Study

by Coqui 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • Coqui

    About three or four months ago the organization changed the way field service time is reported... They decided that everyone would not drop their time card in a box in the Kingdumb Hall but rather leave the report with their book study conductor.

    I liked the fact before that I could leave the report with someone I seldom saw. With the change I realized that with this change the elders had even more control and influence on me. Now I was being controlled and monitored with a magnifying glass. Now the book study conductor would see me in a small setting and be on my ass fall the time for not reporting or not reporting enough time. Remember its all about TIME, yes TIME!!!!!!

    This inferiated me. I'm 38 years old and I must report this sacred time to some men. My sins are between me and God alone and so is my field service time. My question was, shouldn't my work be voluntary and my time kept confidential? This practice angered me just as much as the practice of sending a publishers card and letter to your new congregation.

    This new practice helped me see how I was being controlled and manipulated. Thanks Borg!!!!!

  • JT

    My question was, shouldn't my work be voluntary and my time kept confidential?


    The short answer is NO!

    in view of the fact that you work for a US Corporation, you are merely reporting your work hours and as in any other corp ones manager must SIGN your time sheet. and what the elder is doing is merely signing off on your time sheet- smile

    you are correct in the context of worshipping god , but i hate to be the one who breaks the bad news, YOU ARE NOT WORKING FOR GOD

    you see you too have been HOODWINKED AND BAMBOOZLED like the rest of us

    so we all stop going to work for WT Inc and now we all have new jobs

    so my advice to you is simple

    you have 2 choices, continue working for wt under the conditions that you have described or get another job

    my advice is get another job like us bettter work hours , bettter work conditions, generous pension,and retirement, days and holidays off,

    join us my friend SMILE

  • garybuss

    Near the end of my association with the agents of the Watch Tower Publishing Corporation, I continued to do fundraising and recruiting (service) but I discontinued the recording of my activity on a field service report card and handing it into the elders.

    They called several months in a row and every month I told them I had no activity to report. They knew I had been participating in the unpaid literature distribution activity but they never confronted me as to why I did not report the time to them.

    I think they were glad to get rid of me.

    Unpaid religious book distribution never was my idea of fun in the first place.

    Happy weekend everybody:-)


  • stichione

    I agree that time reporting is a way in which the WTS controls its members. I know I certainly was. I felt pressure to report at least the national average so I could appear to be a good Dub. If it was below average I wase made to feel guilty because I were not out there serving the Organ.. er, I mean God.

  • jimbob

    You know what I love best about reporting time.........that the org always said never to compare yourself with others in the congregation.....yet the elders and CO always said you should be getting the congregation average or you're considered spiritually weak. So we weren't compared to our fellow bros and sis's in our congregation.....just everybody else in the US. Gee....that makes me feel so much better!! And then to top it off, they Society always give the experience of sister so-and-so in the Congo in Africa who hardly has any money to eat, has 10 kids, and lives in a hut, but gets 97 hours in field service a month. So we here in the states could really learn from her example......gee, no guilt there!!!!! Glad I'm out of the borg!!!!!!!

  • Farkel

    : My question was, shouldn't my work be voluntary and my time kept confidential?

    Cults don't operate like that, that's why.


  • gumby

    I liked the fact before that I could leave the report with someone I seldom saw.

    If the Service Overseer is doing his job...( they rarely do ) he's the one who is supposed to climb your ass for low hours and 'WORK WITH YOU" in service.

    This book study idea isn't working well either. I can't tell you how many times they call my wife...asking her for her "time" if she forgot to turn it in.

    It all revolves around money. They keep tabs on hours and placements ....and they know where to direct or not direct their efforts. Has nothing to do with what they claim it's for.

    Edited by - Gumby on 17 October 2002 23:35:47

  • surferdude

    good news for you .... you don't have to turn in a report to the cbs conductor. the letter to the cong and to the boe in feb outlining the new arrangement clearly stated that the box for the time slips WILL STILL BE USED. in our hall i just turn mine in to the box a few days or a week before the end of the month (sometimes i estimate) so when my conductor bothers me i just say " it is taken care of"...

    btw ,,,, i did drop a note in the box asking for the elders to STOP asking for the slips, and it has seemed to kind of work..


  • TheOldHippie

    Correct, Surferdude - and what one could do to avoid the comparison - syndrome, is to report the placements and return calls etc., but not the hours. If asked, one just says it is 1. because the Scripture says one is to be rewarded because of one's own personal circumstances and not because of comparisons with others, and 2. because the amount of hours is used to judge one's spirituality, for example one must have an average of more than 10 hours to be appointed MS or E. As one doesn't think the amount of hours spent has any significant beairing on one's spirituality, one has decided not to do that.

    There can be no valid protests raised against these two points, and as one is still reporting and proving one is out in the service, no limitations really can be set upon you, apart from the said appoinments.

  • JT

    There can be no valid protests raised against these two points, and as one is still reporting and proving one is out in the service, no limitations really can be set upon you, apart from the said appoinments


    please dont follow this guys advice unless you want the elders knocking on your door, in that case do as he said. -

    first off he is completely wrong- to tell a publisher that an elder can not raise a valid protest is a joke they can raise an issue over the length of a woman dress,

    the turning in of Time is the Hall mark of the organization, and to have a publisher not FILL OUT THRE FORM CORRECTLY ON PURPOSER raises all kinds of flags- they will think you are being a smart A$$, now if you want to play with them and have some fun go for it, but if you don't want to have to deal with being called into the back room then leave that one alone-

    you see elders are trained by the org to quickly reconize when a pub is NOT WORKING WITH THE ARRANGEMENT and the arrangement is turning in time,

    now we all know it's goofy, but in the mind of an elder this is THE MEASURING ROD OF SPIRITUALITY bottom line, despite what jw say it is and for you not to turn in your TIME SHEET is like not turning in your time sheet at work, DO YOU WANT TO GET PAID, is the mindset that the avg elder will have upon hearing that you REFUSE TO PUT YOUR HOURS IN

    just wanted to let you know what the real deal is

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