Road Trip I

by Know_You 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • Know_You

    I am writing this from the serene spiritual environment of Brother and Sister - well let me just call them John and Eunice - 's home in sunny Santa xxxxx. Mrs Know_You and I have had several fine experiences even this early into our trip. Thus, it is with hesitation that I revisit this venomous vat of vapid invective, this cesspool of apostate pablum, but needs must. It is necessary to wield the sharp sword of Truth to expose the distortions and foggy logic of those who have left the Ark of Salvation and attempt to lure others into their den of irreverent inequity. To separate the bone from its marrow, as it were. These fine upbuildinng experiences direct from the field, soon to be a threshing ground of destruction, should remind any lurkers that this board is a snakepit of distortion and calumny.

    Our first stop was a campground in Northern California. On our way into the State Park the Ranger on duty noticed the Watchtower and Awake! magazine covers discretely taped onto our back and side windows. She remarked at how she longed to see this wicked world destroyed as depicted on the cover of one of the Watchtowers. Her husband walked out on on her in favor of a sentinel of Satan, a priest from Babylon the Great. We were able to give a fine witness, showing her the marvelous hope for the future - the utter annihiliation of the vast majority of humanity in the coming great storm of God's righteous wrath! She remarked how the brothers always left their campsites clean and orderly in contrast to the morass of filth commonly left by worldy people - and no doubt apostates, as we were quick to explain to her.

    Saturday morning we walked around the campsite and were able to engage several people in friendly conversation. People seemed more relaxed out in the woods, and we were suprised at how many people approached us with questions. It was as if Jehovah's spirit was guiding them to us - they were eagerly curious, something we don't often find in the door-to-door work. We placed a number of Watchtower magazines and, surronuded by Jehovah's breathtaking creation, were able on more than one occasion to provide a compelling account of the Grand Story of Creation. One gentlemen we met was a well know Professor of Phrenology at Berkeley and we were able to give him a fine witness. Unfortunately, we had to cut our tour of the campground short when a small dog caught hold of my suit leg pant and wouldn't let go, tearing the material badly and causing me to get smudges on my shirt and tie. That night sitting around the campfire singing Kingdom Melodies we had a number of visitors, curious as to why Mrs Know-You had a white towel on her head - this led to a fine conversation with a small group of campers on the importance of women being in subjection to men - several of the men were heartily appreciative of this fine spirit directed counsel from the Slave and commented on how the womenfolk thrived when left at the campsite to cook the food and do the dishes while the men were off in their trucks touring the fireroads. Very few of them realized that a women's head is, on average, smaller than a man's, and as the Slave has pointed out, this results in a generally lower level of intelligence and ability to lead. But how thankful we can be for Jehovah's fine provision of meek and subduable womenfolk - what a blessing they are.

    How different from the aggressive vixen like females of this old system, with their excessive make-up and trouser suits, they refusal to let their husbands take the lead as they pursue their fleshy desires, their provocative clothing and their rebellious insistence, like the sons of Korah, on usurping divine arrangements. Those of us in Jehovah's house can take refuge in the marvellous arrangements and spiritual food so loving dispensed by the Slave in these last days of the last days of this doomed old system.


  • nilfun

    That was great! LOL

  • Valis
    commented on how the womenfolk thrived when left at the campsite to cook the food

    That is the most ANTI Apostate thing I have ever seen anyone post!!!! Let the prettier sex use my cast iron cookware?!!! NOT! Sheesh, and I thought You Know was a misguided, delusional, nutcase...*LOL*...


    District Overbeer of the "Rawhide Cookie" class

  • Gopher

    "As refreshing water on a tired soul, so is a good report from a distant land". May Jehover continue blessing your trip. Those experiences remind me of those I used to read in the yearbook -- they were so fantastic and wonderful !! (Nothing like I ever experienced in my door to door ministry, but then again my apostate leanings must be poisoning my memories of how dam WONDERFUL life was as a Jehover's Witness.)

  • larc

    Know You, that was just precious. Thanks for sharing. Can we see your pictures when you get back home. Can we, can we, please.

  • Know_You


    Know that in the last days men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money and drunk with the prurient pleasures of this evil world. Your lack of success in the field was surely a harbinger of your love having cooled off ( if you even had any at first - most apostates are shams from the get go). Rather than humbly seeking assistance from an elder, or if you are female, an older mature sister, you rebelliously pursued a hard headed course that has left your faith shipwrecked and adrift. Like a washed up magpie you pick at whatever catches your spiritually attention-deficient interest, while all the time deluding yourself into thinking that time is not running out on you. Let there be no mistake, as a thief it will come - in fact, more like an armed robber. LOL.

    Hope that helps,


  • Dutchie
    curious as to why Mrs Know-You had a white towel on her head

    You Know, this was absolutely the funniest essay you've ever written!

  • Princess
    aggressive vixen like females of this old system, with their excessive make-up and trouser suits

    trouser suits? Ummm, okay.

    That was a funny story, glad you had fun.


  • BeautifulGarbage
  • notperfectyet

    [but then again my apostate leanings must be poisoning my memories of how dam WONDERFUL life was as a Jehover's Witness]

    Gopher, you almost said damn! I am so proud of you!

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